Mystic and Rider (Twelve Houses)

Read Mystic and Rider (Twelve Houses) for Free Online

Book: Read Mystic and Rider (Twelve Houses) for Free Online
Authors: Sharon Shinn
studying the alliances can possibly follow who’s related to whom and why it’s so shocking when a boy from Merrenstow marries a girl from Gisseltess.”
    Senneth ignored her. “There are twelve noble Houses of Gillengaria—bloodlines and property divisions that have existed for centuries. Between them, they own virtually all the valuable land of the country, though some own acres of fertile farms, and some command the coastlines, and others own access to the mountains where gold and silver are mined. The marlords—”
    “The what?” Cammon interrupted.
    “Marlords,” Senneth repeated. “The head of each of the Twelve Houses is called a marlord. His son would be known as a serramar and his daughter as a serramarra. His brothers and sisters also bear those titles because they’re also considered direct heirs to the marlordship. So, if you wanted to be very proper about it, you would address Kirra as serra Kirra, or even serramarra Kirra, which I have always thought particularly lovely.”
    “Kirra will do,” said the serramarra, grinning.
    “Anyway, the marlords consider themselves the most elegant, sophisticated, and important men and women of the kingdom. They pretend to owe allegiance to the king, and generally they are loyal, but all of them believe that they are superior to royalty and could rule much better if the chance fell to them.”
    Kirra’s smiled had widened. “So you can imagine the level of excitement when the royal line produces a child. Who will marry the prince or princess? Which of the Twelve Houses will gain a foothold at the royal palace?”
    “What if the king and queen never have a child?” Cammon asked. “Has that ever happened?”
    “A few times,” Kirra said. “But not for at least a hundred years. When it does happen, all sorts of scheming goes on, as families make alliances and try to produce heirs that will be acceptable to all the Houses. Usually, of course, everyone looks first to Brassenthwaite.”
    “Why?” Cammon said.
    Senneth smiled. “Brassenthwaite has always been considered first among Houses,” she said. “The lands encompass part of the northern seacoast, a stretch of rich mountains, and some of the finest farmland in the country—in short, everything. And the Brassenthwaites have always been most fiercely loyal to the king. It is their heritage—it is what distinguishes them from all other Houses. Thus, there have been many marriages between the royal line and Brassenthwaite. And if there were no heir, Brassenthwaite would consider it had the primary claim to the throne.”
    Senneth glanced at Kirra before continuing. “Now, Danalustrous—”
    “Danalustrous has always been just as loyal, just as strategic, and nearly as wealthy,” Kirra supplied. “So a son or daughter of Danalustrous might as easily be declared ruler.”
    “So if King Baryn and his daughter both died suddenly,” Cammon said, “who would claim the throne right now?”
    “Well, Kiernan Brassenthwaite would probably step right up,” Kirra said. “But a lot of people dislike marlord Kiernan.”
    “With some justification,” Senneth murmured.
    “And I don’t think, say, Halchon Gisseltess would just hand him the crown,” Kirra continued. “And I really believe Ariane Rappengrass and Martin Helven would rather see a Danalustrous on the throne.”
    “Perhaps that would be the answer, then,” Cammon said. “There should be an alliance between Danalustrous and Brassenthwaite. Are their heirs of marriageable age?”
    Kirra stared at him. Senneth erupted into peals of laughter.
    “Yes, Kirra,” she finally managed to say. “If Baryn dies, you should marry Kiernan’s brother, and you and Nate Brassenthwaite can take the throne together.”
    “I’d rather see Halchon Gisseltess be named king,” Kirra said flatly. Senneth laughed even harder.
    “I suppose that wasn’t such a good idea,” Cammon said.
    “Oh, it would be a fine idea, if Nate Brassenthwaite wasn’t such a

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