My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5)

Read My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5) for Free Online

Book: Read My Rock #5 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #5) for Free Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
line down my abdomen as he slid the panties over my
calves. When he got them to my ankles, my wet pussy was right at face level. He
stopped and sucked my clit into his mouth the same way he’d taken my nipple. I
thought I was going to die right fucking then and there. I bit my lip to keep
from screaming.
    He tortured me for a few seconds like that and then
he stood back up, slipping his boxers off as he did. His cock sprang to
attention and he took it in one of his hands and with the other he pushed and
lifted me up a few inches. Then he finally plunged inside of me. I was so wet
and ready that there was no resistance. He slipped all the way into me in one
fluid motion. Then he wrapped both arms around me and I wrapped my legs tightly
around his waist.
    When he hit bottom I moaned and Tristan said, “Fuck!”
Probably too loudly, but at that point, I didn’t care.  
    He was moving his hips and moving mine up and down
with his strong arms as he did. I had my mouth on his shoulder, sucking and
biting at the flesh there and I could feel his jaw clenched tightly against my
    His breaths got more ragged with each forceful
thrust and I suddenly felt the top half of me be propelled backwards so my head
was against the wall and my back was arched. He dipped his head down and sucked
and licked and nibbled on one of my nipples as I prayed for the strength to
stay silent. I wanted to fucking scream it felt so good.
    I was writhing against him and whimpering as he
moved, slowly but forcefully, against me. He was moving his hips so that each
time he buried himself inside of me, my clit would rub up against his pelvis
and make me shudder. I was bucking against his thrusts, and when he brought his
face back up I crushed my lips back against his and locked us into a long, hot,
wet kiss.
    “Oh god, Tristan!” I breathed out against his mouth.
    “You like it, Elly? Tell me what you like, baby.
Tell me what you want.”
    “I want it all! Harder, Tristan, fuck me hard. I
want you deep inside of me. Oh god! Oh fuck!”
    “I won’t last long if we go fast,” he said,
    I giggled and said, “Perfect, we don’t have long.
Fuck me, Tristan, hard.”
    He obliged. Our bodies rocked together, him slamming
against me and me against the wall. I could feel his cock swelling inside of me
and just before I came, I threw my head forward again and bit down on his
    He was fucking me so hard that if the wall hadn’t
been behind me, I would have flown across the room. My nails were digging into
his back as he said, “Fuck! I’m cumming , Elly!”
    I grunted out, “Me too.”
    I felt his muscles all go tense as he gave one last
hard thrust and then I felt my own orgasm tearing through me. I moaned. I’d
lost all control, all sense of whether someone would hear or not.
    “Yeah, baby,” he said with his lips pressed against
my neck, “That’s it, cum with me.”
    That caused another full body shiver as our juices
both rushed out and mingled together all across his cock. I could feel the
excess running out as he continued to hold me, pressed against the wall. My
body was shaking all over and he waited for it to subside and for my breathing
to become less ragged before turning me around and sitting me down on the sofa.
    He dropped down next to me and said, “Jesus fuck!”
    “You said it,” I told him. There were just no other
words. “We should get back out there,” I told him.
    He nodded, and while we both got dressed, neither of
us spoke. Once we were put back together, we went out and found my mother and
father now at the dessert table.
    “There you are,” my mom said. “Did you try the
cheesecake? It was so good; I’m going back for another piece.”
    Tristan was holding back a grin as I said, “I had a
piece, it was incredible.”
    My parents were leaving in the morning. They said
goodnight to Tristan before he left and as they were saying goodbye to me, my
mother said,
    “I sure do like that boy.

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