My Fair Captain

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Book: Read My Fair Captain for Free Online
Authors: J.L. Langley
Tags: gay romance
easy as I can considering you’re a fuckin’ traitor and that you’ve pissed me off.
    A bolt zipped past Nate’s head and struck the bulkhead opposite him, making a small black carbon burn where it hit. I guess that’s a no. Nate crouched lower.
    “Fuck you, Cap’n.” Jansen punctuated the decline with another blast of his fragger.
    Kindros’ feminine gasp echoed around the corner, followed by the sounds of a scuffle. There was a dull thud and then an angry masculine grunt. “I told you to be still, bitch.”
    Nate growled, imagining the butt of the fragger cracking against his first mate’s skull. “Brittani?”

    My Fair Captain
    “Still here, Hawk,” she replied faintly.
    Another thud, then a yelp from Kindros.
    Shit. He didn’t want to have to kill the idiot, not that he was opposed to killing the pain in the ass, but Nate wanted answers first. “Anna, I need a SITREP.”
    Lady Anna’s detached voice came through his earpiece immediately with the situation report he requested. “Prisoner Jansen is advancing on your location, Captain. His weapon is still aimed at the first mate’s head.
    My sensors tell me he is highly agitated. Lieutenant Kindros is dazed but still conscious.”
    Nate touched the earpiece linking him to the ship’s computer, glad he’d thought to use it. “His weapon is set to a penetrating bolt?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Of course it was. “Is his finger on the trigger?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Figured. “How close to the corner of my corridor is he?”
    “About three feet four inches, sir. He’s angling away from the bulkhead closest to you.”
    Fuck. Nate wished he had a way to see what was going on. He checked his fragger, making sure it was set to stun, just in case Kindros got caught in the crossfire. The problem was, with Jansen’s finger on the trigger, shooting him with any kind of bolt would get Kindros killed. The whole body inevitably spasmed when hit with a bolt, whether it was set to penetrate or stun.
    “Sir, Jeremy is advancing rapidly toward the south end of corridor M,” Anna reported.
    Nate’s jaw clenched. “Fuck.” Jansen and Kindros were at the north end of corridor M. The boy was headed right into the thick of things, as usual. Nate was certain he’d ordered all personnel to stay out of the area until he had this cleared up. Hell, he told Trouble to stay put when he’d left the cabin. “I want a three-second warning before Jeremy arrives at corridor M.”

    J.L. Langley
    “Yes, sir.”
    Nate got to his feet, inched closer to the corner and readied his fragger. This may not be a bad thing. In fact, Trouble might just escape punishment if this worked.
    “Jeremy approaching in three…two…one.”
    “Hawk?” Trouble shouted.
    Nate stepped around the corner in time to see Jansen aim his weapon on Trouble. Nate fired, striking his son, cabin boy and all-around pest center mass.
    Trouble’s body stiffened and fell to the deck.
    Nate fired again, hitting Jansen before the man figured out what was going on.
    Jansen’s weapon discharged then he dropped it. The bolt directed exactly where Trouble had been standing before the shot disappeared down the corridor. Jansen crumpled to the deck.
    Kindros, getting the residual effect of the pulse bolt through connection with Jansen’s body, slithered to the ground in front of Jansen.
    Nate engaged the safety on his weapon and shoved it into the holster on his belt. He rushed to Jansen, grabbed the fragger beside the downed man and flipped the safety button. “Anna, please notify the security team that the prisoner has been recaptured and is awaiting an escort to the brig.”
    “Yes, sir. They are on their way, Captain.”
    Kindros came to first, having gotten a lesser jolt than Jansen or Trouble. She sat, running fingers through her long dark hair, smearing blood across her forehead. She blinked drowsy brown eyes at him. “Hey, Hawk.”
    Nate offered her a hand. “Brittani.”
    She reached up and,

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