My Broken Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 2)

Read My Broken Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read My Broken Soldier (Love Conquers Life Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Alison Mello
    That’s when I see it. He’s been shot in the chest through and through, leaving a huge hole. I won’t let him know it though. I need him to fight for his life. I close my eyes in pain as I scream for a medic. They come running as I hold him on my lap and tell him he’s going to be okay.
    “Stay with me, buddy.”
    One medic is trying to save him while another starts working on my leg.
    “This isn’t good, Carter,” he says, barely able to breathe.
    “You’re fine. You keep those eyes open and fight, soldier. Do you hear me? You fight,” I yell at him as he’s lying in a pool of his own blood.
    Another medic joins us and tries to stop the bleeding, but it’s no good. He’s losing too much. I can hear a chopper in the distance. “Hang on, buddy. Our ride’s almost here.”
    He hiccups and whispers to me, “You stay strong and get our boys home safe.”
    He closes his eyes and releases his final breath.
    He’s gone.
    I scream, “No, Brody! Come back, damn it!”
    I jump up from my bed, my clothes covered in sweat. I run to the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I sit there for a moment, heaving as nothing else comes up. I stand in front of the sink and splash some water on my face before going back into my room.
    Spotting the bottle by my bed, I grab it and start to chug it down. That’s when I hear the door to my apartment open. When I walk out to see who the fuck is coming into my house, I find my parents and Derek. Suddenly I’m full of shame for not reaching out to them. My mother gasps at how she finds me.
    “Leave me be. You don’t need to see me like this,” I mumble with my head down. I walk back to my room, not wanting to face them.
    “At ease, soldier,” My boss says, and because he outranks me I freeze and turn around like the good soldier I am. “I gave you the day, like I promised. Now it’s time for an intervention. You’re coming with us.”
    “I’m not going anywhere but back to bed.”
    “You can sleep at the hospital. We’re going to get you clean so you can fix things with Patty or you may ruin this relationship permanently. Right now she still cares and is worried about you. Why, I don’t know since you treated her like shit.”
    “Fuck you, man. I don’t need your shit.”
    “Oh, but you do. I’m the one thing standing between you and your job, and if you lose your job, you lose your home. You know what that will lead to, right? You’ve already started helping a few soldiers in that boat. Don’t become one of them.”
    I bow my head because I know he’s right, but I don’t know how to fix this and it’s easier to numb the pain than to fight and face it.
    “Your father and I are prepared to carry you out if we have to.”
    “Fine, let me go change my clothes,” I say, walking away with my bottle in hand. I continue to drink it while I get dressed. There isn’t much left to the bottle, and I want to finish it off since I’ll soon be facing my pain. When I bend over to tie my shoes, I lose my balance and hit the floor. All I remember is seeing three sets of feet run into the room before I black out.
    I’ve been trying all day to focus on writing, but it’s been totally useless. I can’t seem to stop worrying about Carter. I tried to read to clear my head, but it’s of no use. I’ve been waiting to hear from Derek, and not hearing anything is driving me crazy. The last update was that he spoke to Carter this morning. Carter promised him he would get his shit together and be at work tomorrow. Derek told me he was going to Carter’s apartment after work to check on him, and he promised to call me and let me know how it went.
    It’s now six, and I still haven’t heard anything. I need to try and eat something. I haven’t eaten much all day. I make some scrambled egg whites with toast and sausage. I’m hoping a good, filling meal will make me feel better.
    I sit at the snack bar with my dinner and

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