Mr. Suit

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Book: Read Mr. Suit for Free Online
Authors: Nigel Bird
she was swatting at an angry wasp. “For the love of God, Greg, will
you not do something to help me here?”
let go of his ear and stopped dancing on the spot. He went over, grabbed the
guns and pointed them at the boy.
prick-tease, or you’ll be joining the Buddha before nature intended.”
was under control again.
that point, a teenage girl entered the cellar and screamed.
had long, straight black hair that had a bluish tinge to it. Her eye-makeup was
heavy and her ears were pierced more times than a teabag. All she wore was a
Spiderman pyjama top, one that came down just enough to cover her pride.
naughty boy,” Greg said, patting the lad on the head, and putting the guns onto
the floor.
reached into his pocket and took out the Stanley knife he carried in case of
emergencies. He slid out the blade with one hand and took the mop of the boy’s
fringe in the other. He chopped at the hair with rough abandon then held the
scalp in the air like it was the FA Cup.
girl in the doorway screamed louder.
to go, Ma,” Greg said and he put the guns in the bag where they belonged.
took Liza by the arm and pulled her up the steps.
he closed the door, he watched the young girl go over to put her arms round the
boy and the boy huddle into a ball.
turned the key to lock the cellar door, allowed his mum to pass and then left
without bothering to say goodbye.

Chapter 11
    W hen
she saw the ‘number not recognised’, Liza half expected it to be some company
giving her a cold call. The way she felt after her encounter with Billy the Kid
back there in Highgate, she was ready to give a mouthful of abuse to whoever
happened to be on the other end of the line.
She said it with all the snippiness she could muster.
Thank God it’s you. They’ve got me, Mum. Prisoner. He says he’ll,” and she
broke into sobs that were unintelligible. It was Miriam, there wasn’t a doubt
in her mind about that.
covered the mouthpiece. Told Greg to pull over. He pushed up the indicator
lever and parked up on double-red lines in the bus-lane. Panicked in case the
cops turned up and stuck a breathalyser into his mouth and did him for
possession of illegal firearms to boot.
take it easy darling. Deep breaths. Who do you say has you and what are they
going to do?”
Martin, Mum. The gangster.” That came as no surprise to Liza. “And he’s going
to have his wicked way with me then carve off my thumb if you don’t do exactly
what he says.” That wasn’t too much of a surprise either.
took a look in the bag. Put her hand in and stroked the guns. Felt empowered by
the cold touch of the metal. “You’d better put him on then, Honey. And don’t
worry. We’ll be there for you as soon as we can.”
darling. Nice of you to pick up.” Suits Martin’s voice turned her on straight
away. Left her tingling between her legs. The image of him chaining her to a
bed and ripping off her clothes flashed through her mind. For a split-second,
she was jealous of her daughter.
so much as chip her nail varnish I’ll have you, Mister.”
should be so lucky, Babe.”
off. And don’t you be poking around where you shouldn’t be, neither.”
your problem? It’s not as if I’d be the first now, would it? Besides, it’s me
that’s got all the issues here. He was my brother, Liza. You went and killed my
did have a point. Not that she was going to accept it. “You didn’t even like
the guy. Said he was always getting in the way. A handicap.”
Suit just laughed. “A man like me needs to find closure, darling. So you’re
going to have to do something to help me find it.”
on. I’ll get a pen and paper.”
isn’t a shopping list, doll. Just give me your undivided.” Liza scrunched up her
face in concentration. You need to bring Archie to me. That’s the

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