Mr. Buff

Read Mr. Buff for Free Online

Book: Read Mr. Buff for Free Online
Authors: April Angel
Tags: Romance, Erotic Romance
    “We need to get out of here before I change my mind, strip you down, and have you for dinner instead.” His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were filled with raw lust. He looked at her hard, sending shivers up her spine.
    * * *
    Their eyes met, heat rose, and her body responded as if he owned it. He never let his eyes stray from her during their conversation over dinner. The waitresses at the restaurant stared at him, she noted, but he paid her no mind. Warmth spread through her while their evening progressed.
    “Do you see yourself having children in the future?” He watched her lips when she sipped her wine. He never let go of her hand, his hand so large against hers.
    “Yes, I do. I mean I’d love to, but for that to happen I need to be in a committed relationship, where we’re both on the same page. If I’m going to have a couple of kids with someone, he needs to be in it for the long-term. Be able to accept me like I am.”
    He gave her a guarded look. She frowned before she could stop it. What was going through his mind? This was not the subject she thought he’d bring up.
    “What about you?” Shoot, he started it, so he may as well tell her what he was thinking.
    “I’d like children, sooner rather than later. I’m tired of women who think kids will ruin their figures so they don’t want any.” His response sounded adamant.
    “What if your partner has trouble conceiving?”
    That she knew of, she had no problems, but it was too common that women her age had trouble conceiving. She tried to read him for lies. Some men didn’t like kids not related to them by blood.
    “That’s not an issue. If we can’t have children on our own there’s always adoption. There’s a bunch of kids out there who need good parents. If we can’t, we can’t. I’m a firm believer that a parent is not the one who creates, but the one who raises the child.”
    He had gotten her with just those few words. If she weren’t careful, she’d end up proposing to him. After a quiet moment, she realized she’d been lost in thought.
    His voice deepened, becoming serious. “This isn’t a game for me.”
    “OK.” Clearly, she had missed something.
    “I’m not looking to be just your friend with benefits. I want you and me, together, committed.”
    “You mean you want us to see each other exclusively?” Had he read her mind? Was she projecting out to him what she was looking for?
    “If that’s how you want to phrase it. I don’t want anyone else, period.” His piercing eyes the compressed line of his lips said this was no joke. He was serious.
    The liquid heat that had been running through her exploded in her veins and roared to a raging inferno.
    “I don’t want any lies between us. I want you to know, some days ago I left my webcam recording. It was a mistake, but when I came in, I saw a video—of you.”
    “What?” Her voice came out a startled shriek, but she didn’t care.
    “I know this sounds bad, but I didn’t do it on purpose. You were struggling to remove your nylons.”
    He tried to stay serious, but mirth was in his eyes. He’d seen her fight off a pair of clingy pantyhose and thought it was funny.
    Anger and embarrassment surged at his revelation. He had recorded her, and she’d had no clue.
    “That’s more than the amount of creepy I can handle.” She placed her napkin down. Just when she made a grab for her clutch on the table, he sneaked his arm out and held her by the wrist. The move left her half standing.
    “Don’t go. I’m telling you the truth; I didn’t do it on purpose, and I erased it after I realized I’d done it.”
    “Sure you did, but not before you got to watch me. That’s just weird and freaky. Not to mention I jumped around like a lunatic trying to take the damn things off. It was a huge pain in the neck, and my ass was flashing all over the place.”
    He gave her a wicked smile. “But you’ve got such a beautiful ass.”
    “This is not funny. I

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