Mother's Promise

Read Mother's Promise for Free Online

Book: Read Mother's Promise for Free Online
Authors: Anna Schmidt
than once when he seemed to puff up a bit after someone made the comparison, Rachel had teased him that she might buy him a stovepipe hat like the one that President Lincoln had worn.
    Oh, they had laughed together about so many things. And they had cried together as well. After she had miscarried four times, James had held her close, the tears leaking slowly down the burnished plains of his face. “God has a plan for us, darling girl.”
    And then their prayers had finally been answered with the arrival of Justin. “I’ll never ask for anything again,” Rachel had vowed.
    But James had placed his fingers against her lips, shushing her. “That’s a promise you cannot keep. God is with us,” he told her. “You can ask.”
    She had prayed every day since the funeral for God’s guidance. Then Hester’s letter had arrived, and here they were less than two weeks later on their way to Florida. Of course, Hester was already way ahead of her.
    â€œMalcolm and his wife have a guest cottage on their property that they never use,” Hester had told Rachel when she called a week earlier. “They’d be willing to rent it to you. It’s small but it’s only half a mile from the hospital. As soon as you get here we can take a look at that, and I’ll check on other possibilities as well.”
    â€œWhat about a school for Justin?”
    â€œIf you decide to rent the Shepherds’ guesthouse, he can walk to the public school I told you about. The Shepherds’ daughter, Sally, attends classes there, so that will give him someone to know right away. I know public school is not ideal, but the main thing is to get you both down here. Once you get into the routine of work and school and such, we can look at other options—hopefully something closer to Pinecraft.”
    â€œI don’t know about this, Hester. Mr. Shepherd is on the hospital board and—”
    Hester had laughed. “He’s on half a dozen boards around Sarasota, including the one here at the co-op, but don’t let that intimidate you. Malcolm and his wife, Sharon, are salt-of-the-earth people, Rachel. And as for Sally—I mean, you are going to love her. She’ll introduce Justin to a host of friends in no time, so that’s a plus.”
    â€œIt would be nice for him to have a friend right away,” Rachel had said.
    Hester actually squealed with delight. Her obvious excitement was contagious. “Do you believe this? You are coming to Florida.”
    Rachel laughed. “You seem to have everything arranged.”
    â€œJust get here. We’re going to have such fun getting you and Justin settled. Having you near will be like old times when we were back in college.”
    Except our lives have changed. We have changed,
Rachel thought. But she’d been unwilling to dampen Hester’s enthusiasm with her doubts. “We’ll be there this time a week from tomorrow,” Rachel had promised.
    â€œJohn and I will meet the bus. I can’t wait for the two of you to meet.”
    As the bus rolled on she caught sight of a sign welcoming them to Florida. She glanced down at her sleeping son. He had said little about the move, but she knew him so well. She understood that he was not happy about leaving his friends and the familiar routine of the farm and family—even his uncle—to strike out for the unknown. Truth be told, she had no idea if she had just made the best or worst decision of her life.
    She wished James were there to reassure them both.

Chapter 3
    D r. Benjamin Booker stood outside the front entrance of Gulf Coast Medical Center, marveling at the twists and turns his life had taken to bring him to this moment. As the son of a small-town preacher, he’d been raised with the idea that he would follow in his father’s footsteps into the ministry. But ironically it was his father’s example that had made Ben run as far and as fast

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