Mint Chip Murder: A Donut Hole Cozy Mystery - Book 6

Read Mint Chip Murder: A Donut Hole Cozy Mystery - Book 6 for Free Online

Book: Read Mint Chip Murder: A Donut Hole Cozy Mystery - Book 6 for Free Online
Authors: Susan Gillard
    “The truth is that you look gorgeous,”
Heather repeated.  “How can you not like that haircut on you?”
    “Because it’s so short,” Amy said. 
“I’ve never had it this short.  Ever.  She must have cut off 6 inches.”
    “It’s adorable,” Heather insisted. 
“Look how it frames your face.  It really makes your eyes look lovely, too.  I
wish I could do that to my hair.”
    “You do?” Amy said, her voice sounding
slightly stronger.
    “Yes, I do,” Heather said.  She
grabbed Amy’s arm and led her down the hall to the bathroom, shoving her in
front of the mirror.  “Just look at yourself.  Most women would kill to look
like you.”
    “But it’s all spiky on the ends.” 
    “It’s not spiky, it’s just turned up. 
That’s the way it’s supposed to be.  You’re gorgeous, girlfriend.  So it’s
shorter than what you’re used to.  But it’s perfect.  I guess it is a good
thing you didn’t have your new ’do before you went out with Chris last night. 
He wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off you.”
    “That might have been okay,” Amy said,
the first hint of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth.  She glanced
sideways at Heather.  “He did kiss me, though.”
    “Of course, he did,” Heather said. 
“You’re an amazing woman.  You’re sweet, and funny, and talented, and kind. 
And you’re beautiful.  You were beautiful then, and your hair looks even more
amazing now.”
    “Well…maybe it does,” Amy hedged as
she peered into the mirror.  “I guess it’ll just take some getting used to.”
    “When you’re used to it, you’ll love
it,” Heather promised. 
    “Maybe.”  Amy’s voice sounded like she
might actually believe it.  “Thanks for coming over to cheer me up.”
    “What are friends for?” she said.
    “So what’s the latest about Kelly?”
Amy asked as they headed back to the living room.
    “Not much,” Heather answered.  “All I
know is that there were some kids arrested nearby the night she was killed. 
They had some pot and a gun.”
    “Potheads don’t usually go around
killing people,” Amy said.
    “Yeah, I know.  But she had to be
bludgeoned with something.  Maybe it was their gun.  Maybe they were trying to
rob her.”
    “If you say so.”
    “Oh, and do you know Lana Sturmer?”
    “No.  Who’s that?”
    “Apparently a very arrogant diva type
who always brought her daughter Emily in to have Kelly do her hair before the
beauty pageants she competed in.  Some of the competitions, Emily won, and
everything was fine.  But the last pageant she competed in, she came in
runner-up.  Lana came back to complain to Kelly.  Started yelling at her in
front of other customers.  Said it was Kelly’s fault Emily hadn’t won.”
    Amy rolled her eyes.  “Whatever.  I can’t
stand people like that.”
    “Me either.  Anyway, it sounds like
every potential suspect the police have is a kid or has something to do with
the high school.”
    “In that case, add one more name to
your list,” Amy said.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Brent Riggleman.  He and Kelly had a
bad break-up not that long before she died.”
    “Brent and Kelly were dating?”
    “Well, not exactly,” Amy said.  “That
was part of the problem.  He wanted them to date; she didn’t.”
    “Do you think Brent would have killed
her over it?”
    “Who knows?”  Amy led the way into her
living room and flopped down on the couch.  “It’s always those quiet, bitter
types you have to worry about.”
    “Was he bitter?” Heather asked, just
as she remembered Ryan’s words only hours ago.  “Wait.  Never mind.  Don’t tell
me, tell Ryan.”
    “Tell Ryan?  Why would I do that?”
    “Because if it looks like I’m running
my own investigation, a good defense attorney could raise all kind of

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