Material Girl 2: Labels and Love

Read Material Girl 2: Labels and Love for Free Online

Book: Read Material Girl 2: Labels and Love for Free Online
Authors: Keisha Ervin
    “Okay . . . ah . . . uh.” Milania chuckled, taken aback. “I’m not even gonna go there.” She licked her bottom lip furious.
    “Man, come on, you know her name.” He looked at her. “We all know her name. You might as well get use to sayin’ it now.”
    Milania folded her arms across her chest.
    “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” She rolled her neck.
    Smothered in anxiety, Angel downed the glass of vodka and slammed it down hard on the bar.
    “It means she’s pregnant!”
    “And?” Milania screwed up her face.
    “And she gettin’ ready to have my baby, so that mean she gon’ be around.”
    “You’re kidding me, right?” She pretended to act surprised. “Wait, you mean to tell me that you’re actually serious? So, Dylan,” Milania made air quotes with her fingers, “tells you she’s pregnant by you and you just take her word for it?”
    “Yeah, Dylan wouldn’t lie about no shit like that.”
    “I’m sorry, but isn’t she the same chick that fucked her ex behind your back?”
    “Look, we ain’t even gotta go through all of that. The baby is mine point-blank, it is what it is.”
    “You can stop wit’ the attitude. I’m just tryin’ to look out for you,” Milania countered. “’Cause the last time we started gettin’ serious, she got in between us and you broke things off. Now here she comes again! I don’t know about you, but I’m not tryin’ to see me wit’ out you again. And I’m especially not tryin’ to see her play you out like a fool for the second time.
    “Dylan,” Milania stressed, making air quotes once more, “is a snake; she’s a liar and a manipulator, and I will bet everything, including my engagement ring, that that baby is not yours!”
    “Nobody’s playin’ me. Yeah, Dylan did her dirt, but I think I know her a li’l bit better than you do.” He stepped past her.
    “Wow.” Milania threw her hands up, stunned. “Should we just call the engagement off now ’cause you going mighty hard for a chick who ain’t shit!”
    “I’m not going hard for nobody.” Angel spun around, heated. “I’m just tellin’ you what it is! I love you!” He took her by each of her arms and held her close. “And I wanna marry you . . . not her.” Hearing himself say that out loud stung Angel’s heart.
    “But the situation is what it is. She’s pregnant, and we have to find a way to deal with it if we talkin’ about living the rest of our lives together. So what I’m sayin’ is . . . is this something you gon’ be able to deal with it?”
    Milania gazed off to the side and willed herself to cry. She’d come too far to back out now. For the past two months, she’d sat idly by, playing the role of the supportive girlfriend. Angel never had to want for anything. She cooked his food, swallowed his dick, rubbed his feet, whateva, you name, she’d done it. And her hard work of sweet-talking him and hypnotizing the dick was rewarded with the ultimate payoff—a ring.
    “I just thought I would be the one having your first child,” she sniffed, lying through her teeth.
    Milania would rather chew on hand grenades then ruin her shape by having a baby.
    “Now, because of her, I don’t get that opportunity.” She looked up at him somberly and blinked so a tear would fall.
    “Yo’, don’t even think like that.” Angel kissed her forehead.
    “But it’s true.” Milania up’d the ante by burying her face into his chest and shrugging her shoulders profusely.
    “I understand what you sayin’, but none of that matters to me. We can have as many babies as you like. I just want us to be OK. Tell me we gon’ be OK.” He pushed her head back so he could look at her face.
    Milania swallowed hard and willed herself not to laugh. She couldn’t believe her guilt trip was actually working.
    “We gon’ be okay,” she whispered.
    “Tell me you love me.”
    “I love me,” she giggled.
    “Aww, okay. Somebody got jokes.”
    “I’m just

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