Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 08]

Read Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 08] for Free Online

Book: Read Marie Harte - [PowerUp! 08] for Free Online
Authors: Killer Thoughts
did me.”
    “I think you liked me being in charge.”
    “Maybe. Just in bed, though, so don’t think you can boss me around all the time.” Ian arched his hips up, trying to keep Owen inside.
    “Mmm-hmm.” Owen withdrew and left to go to the bathroom. After cleaning himself up, he returned to handle Ian. Bathing the cum from his lover’s body, taking care of him, felt right. Too right. He cleared his throat and moved to undo the cuffs around Ian’s wrists. One flick of a button and they opened.
    He lay next to Ian on his back. To his pleasure, Ian rested on his side, propped on his elbow, leaning toward him.
    Ian frowned, but Owen saw the spark of amusement.
    “I could have released them myself.”
    “But you didn’t.” That a man as sharp as Ian hadn’t even tried spoke volumes. “Now, let’s be honest. You need my cock buried up that ass as much as I need you taking it. It’s been building between us for months. So say it with me. In bed, Owen is in charge. Like you mean it, boy .” Owen used his mean voice, and Ian responded.
    He let out a breath and snapped a smart-ass salute. “Yes, Sir. In bed, you’re in charge.”
    Ian lifted a finger and drew it over Owen’s chest. “And if you want me to blow you, anytime, you just have to ask.”
    “Right.” Owen believed that like he believed Kerr would be easy to take down. “I’ll probably have to bribe you. You’re not that easy.”
    “You sure, handsome? Because I’m a pretty popular commodity in Bend. I have a lot of friends.”
    “Oh?” Amused, Owen let Ian pet him, conscious of Ian’s attempt to put them on equal footing. So I’m just another notch on your belt, hmm? “How’s that? Because from what I know, your last relationship ended four months ago. It didn’t last, because he frankly wasn’t old enough for you.”
    Ian flushed. “He was twenty-four, for God’s sake.”
    “Yes, and way too young and easy to handle. Like all your other lovers have been. Casual. Young. Tossed aside.” Unlike Owen, who knew just how to handle him.
    “What the hell would you know about it?” Ian clenched a fist on Owen’s chest.
    “I’ve had my eye on you for a while, Ian Ryder. Frank Hanover. Michael Wilder.”
    Ian blinked. “How do you know those names?”
    “Your aliases, you mean?” Owen shrugged and linked his hands behind his head. “I know about all my employees.”
    “Now that was just mean.” Ian grinned. “Though I admit I’m impressed. I used Frank Hanover with Chloe and Noah, so that alias was easy to get. But I had Michael Wilder buried deep.” He paused, his eyes narrowed. “Or so I thought. You’re more than just a pretty face and a big wallet, aren’t you, Owen?”
    “How flattering.” Owen sighed and closed his eyes. “Yes, Ian. I have a brain too. For instance, I know you’ve been snooping through my house. That against Jack’s and Kitty’s orders, you tried to sneak a look at The Little Death , a figurine—”
    “Worth a cool quarter million,” Ian interrupted.
    “—that is responsible for too many deaths to count over the years. Why do you think I’ve hidden it in my vault? I also know you’re involved in two open forgery cases currently ongoing in the states of Washington and California. You try, but you just can’t keep your nose clean.”
    “You seem to have all the answers.” Ian’s soft voice warned he didn’t like what he was hearing.
    “Not at all. I think I found where Kerr has been hiding, but I’m not sure what he plans to do to draw me near. I can’t tell you why Harry nearly killed me, when he’d been as close to me as my own family. And I don’t know if I can count on the man I’d like to bring in to help us end this.”
    “ Us? Now there’s an us ?”
    Curiously, Ian didn’t sound panicked. “Us, as in, you’re helping me, and I just fucked you. So yes, us .”
    “So romantic, Owen.” Ian paused a moment. “Okay, we’ll get back to

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