Making a Comeback

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Book: Read Making a Comeback for Free Online
Authors: Kristina Mathews
favorite princess movies.
    Her daughters didn’t seem to mind the move from the big city of San Francisco to the small coastal town of Aurelia Beach. They liked living half a block from the ocean. Being able to build sandcastles practically in their backyard was a definite plus.
    Heading downstairs, she heard her daughters’ voices coming from the kitchen.
    “Is that your guitar?” It sounded like Sophie. “Will you play for us?”
    “Sure.” Cooper was still there, apparently about to perform a breakfast concert.
    “Do you know ‘Let It Go’?” Olivia loved that song. Maybe a little too much, she sang it over and over and over.
    “I know ‘Let It Be.’ I’ll play that for you.” Cooper strummed his guitar and sang The Beatles’ classic.
    Annabelle closed her eyes and leaned against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. He had an incredible voice. Soulful. Sensuous. And downright sexy.
    She needed to steady herself before facing him in the light of day. She tried to brush her hair back off her forehead, but it caught in the antibiotic ointment. Man, she was a mess. At least she looked better than she had last night. And even without the pain pills the doctor gave her, she felt better, too.
    “Good morning.” Annabelle tried to put on her most sunshiny face. “I’ll get breakfast going for you here in just a jiffy.”
    “We already ate.” Cooper looked up from his guitar. “They helped me find the cereal. And I made coffee. I hope you don’t mind.”
    “No. That’s great.” She was a little thrown by how he’d just made himself right at home. Or maybe it was because Clayton had never made breakfast for his daughters. Not once. Not even when she’d had the flu and could barely get out of bed.
    “Can I get you anything?” Cooper stood, setting his guitar on the kitchen table. “Cereal? Coffee?”
    “No. I’ll get it.” She wasn’t sure she could eat just yet. Her stomach was a little queasy. Maybe some coffee though, to clear her head.
    As if coffee would do the trick.
    She poured herself a cup and sat down.
    “So, I’ll hang around until you’ve had your shower, then I’ll head on home.” Cooper picked up the empty cereal bowls and carried them to the sink. “I figure you could use a little time to yourself. Unless you need me to stay.”
    “No. I’ll be fine. You’ve done enough already.” Annabelle didn’t want to be a burden. “Surely you have better things to do.”
    “Nothing that can’t wait.” He rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. “But I don’t want to get in the way.”
    “I’ll try not to drop the shampoo.” She took a sip of her coffee, torn between wanting him to go away and just wanting him. “That way you won’t have to come running.”
    “I’ll try not to overreact.” He slid into the chair next to her. “But I do take my responsibilities seriously.”
    “I’m not your responsibility.” The last thing she wanted was to be taken care of.
    “Until you’re back on your feet, I feel like I should at least be close by.”
    She stood up, nearly knocking the chair over. “See, I can stand just fine. I can walk, and shower all by myself. I can even take care of my daughters.”
    He glanced at the girls, who were sitting there, eyes wide. They’d never heard their mother raise her voice before. Annabelle had spent too much of her life putting on a happy face, pretending that life was perfect.
    “I’d like to think you’d be able to take better care of your daughters if you take care of yourself first.” He looked at her with genuine concern, and there was something in his tone of voice that made her think he wasn’t being condescending. “I’ll feel better if I know you’ll rest and ask for help when you need it.”
    She wasn’t sure what bothered her more—that he was right or that he’d discovered one of her biggest weaknesses. She’d never been very good at asking for things. Sure, she seemed to have it all, but not because

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