Maggie's Wolves, Part Two: A BBW Shifter Romance (Red Mountain Pack Book 2)

Read Maggie's Wolves, Part Two: A BBW Shifter Romance (Red Mountain Pack Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Maggie's Wolves, Part Two: A BBW Shifter Romance (Red Mountain Pack Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Cara Morgan
    Case introduced her to Jack and she took his hand.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maggie.”
    Jack’s voice was surprisingly deep with just a hint of a southern drawl. The sound of it shivered down her spine and she couldn’t even try to force herself to answer. His deep, drawling voice. The warmth of his hand. His body so openly displayed before her. For a second, the combination swamped her senses. She didn’t understand it. He was a stranger and she’d just had sex with two men. She shouldn’t even want to look at another one.
    Eli frowned in concern. “Maggie? You’re sure you’re all right?”
    Helplessly, she nodded.
    “It’s the heat,” Case said, turning her around to face him. He studied her for a moment and whatever he saw on her face caused a wolflight to spark in the depths of his eyes. “Are your senses getting sharper?”
    “It started with my sense of smell this morning.” She shook her head. No, that wasn’t right. She remembered how dizzying the walk up to the cabin had been. “I think it started with my vision yesterday when I was hiking up to the cabin. It was so overwhelming it made my head ache and my stomach nauseous. And touch. My clothes felt too tight then even before Eli showed up.”
    It was worse now though. Her senses weren’t exactly sharper, but the way stimuli affected her body wasn’t normal. Every touch seemed more profound, like it reached deeper than just the surface of her skin. The hunger seemed to be rising more frequently too. Even now, after having just moments ago claimed another mate, she could already feel it beginning to simmer.
    “We have to get you down the mountain,” Case said.
    “Case—” Jack said.
    But Case shook his head. “Not now, Jack.”
    Like it took an enormous act of willpower for him to look away from her, Jack turned his attention to Case. “It’s not—”
    “We need to get out of here before it starts to snow again and Maggie won’t be able to shift. I need you to run ahead and warm up the truck. Mine.” Case glanced at Eli. “Unless you want to drive yours back now?”
    “I’m not leaving her.” Eli grinned. “We’ll have to come back for Maggie’s car anyway. I can get it then.”
    Case nodded and then turned back to Jack. “Call Carson and let him know what’s going on. See if he can get a hold of Dec too. We need them both back at the lodge as quickly as possible.”
    Because of her. Maggie’s stomach tightened with nerves. She understood his sense of urgency, but she didn’t like how fast everything was moving now. “Case?”
    “It’ll be okay, Maggie. You’ll see. We’ll take care of you.”
    After Case shifted into his wolf form, he came back to her and leaned heavily against her legs for a moment. When she touched his head, he trotted to the edge of the clearing and then paused to look back at them impatiently. Eli grabbed her bags and tossed them over his shoulder.
    He grinned down at her. “How about a nice hike through knee deep snow?”
    The wind blew a strand of hair across her face and he tucked it behind her ear. She didn’t really want to leave the cabin. It was her place, her territory, and she’d always felt safe here. Going to the lodge with Case and Eli was a big step.
    Case’s head cocked to the side and she stepped forward, away from the cabin, her home and safety.
    “That a girl,” Eli murmured, falling in beside her. She could almost feel Case’s relief as he turned and started down the mountain.
    Maggie smiled at Eli as he offered her his arm. “Maybe I should invest in a dog sled.”
    It didn’t take them long to reach the service road, and aside from a few dodgy moments when a large drift blocked their path forcing them to walk closer to the edge of a cliff than she’d have liked, it was largely uneventful. Case’s truck was a big, black SUV that had clearly been built to handle deep snow and icy mountain roads. Considering that it started to snow again when they

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