Madeleine & the Mind
    Steven's hand automatically reached for his head.
    Madeleine took his hand. "Do you remember, sweetums? Show Madeleine where it hurt."
    Mike coughed, and Madeleine turned to see him cover a gleeful face with his hand.
    "I see you laughing at me. It won't hurt to baby him a little. It's not like I cut up his food or anything." She rubbed Steven's head. "I can't find anything. It seems completely healed." She pressed a little harder and Steven jumped, grabbing at her hand. "Oops, was that it?" She kissed his head. "There, it's all better now." She walked back to the chair and sat down. "The swelling is gone, but the injury is still tender. But, that's completely normal. He's going to be fine. I just know it."
    Mike stood to shake her hand. "I've got to hand it to you. That's a novel approach. And I wish you well. There are some things I need to do tonight, and I'll make that call for you…to Steven's fiancée. If you'll excuse me."
    "Goodnight, Mike. I'll leave my door open until you return. You can shut it later."
    Madeleine went to stand behind the window. "What do you see, Steven, when you stare out that window? I wish I could open up your mind. But it's only been one day. I guess I expect a miracle." He didn't acknowledge her. "Come away…ha, that reminds me of a love sonnet. Come live with me and be my love…I'll bet you've never even heard it. Not exactly your cup of tea."
    She glanced at him, and his eyes burned with an intense look of concentration. She put her hand on his cheek. "Did you remember something?"
    The blank stare returned, and she patted his cheek. "Don't worry, pet. It's going to be all right. Sit on the bed, and I'll read to you."
    Steven lay back with his hands behind his head.
    Madeleine jumped up and ran to the phone beside his bed. "Just a minute, I forgot something."
    She rang down to the desk. "This is Madeleine Price. Who do I see about getting some clothes that fit?"
    "You should try housekeeping, Miss Price. They do the laundry."
    "Could you transfer me?"
    She heard the phone ringing. She looked over at Steven. His eyes followed her movements. "Just one more minute, and I'll read to you."
    "Yes, this is Miss Price. I'm Dr. Faraday's therapist. Could you send me some clothes, size four? Thank you."
    She picked up the Bible. "What should we discuss tonight? How about John, chapter one? I love it."
    She read while he watched her, but she didn't stop at chapter one. She read all the way through chapter three then closed the cover.
    "I couldn't resist. It's so beautiful. And heart-breaking, too. The God of all the world, creator of all things, loved us more than anything, sent His Son to redeem us, and we rejected Him.
    Madeleine looked at Steven as he lay still on the pillow. He gave her another of those childlike smiles, and her heart ached for what he'd lost. "Come on, little one. Time to sleep. I'm going to pray for you then you can change into your pajamas."
    She laid her hand on the sore spot at the back of his head. "Father, thank you for the opportunity to minister to this man. You know what the enemy has stolen from him. You know how important he is to his country, to his loved ones. Teach him your ways as you heal his body. Help him find that which he seeks."
    She opened her eyes. His eyes seemed to bore into hers. They stared at each other and then awareness faded from his eyes as if a bright light was snuffed out.
    "You know, Steven, I believe you're a great man. I can see it in your eyes. Every now and then it shines forth like the stars. Go to sleep now. I'm going to shut the door while I change. When you're ready for bed, turn out your light. I'll open the door."
    Madeleine closed the door. She still didn't have any clothes that fit so she couldn't change. She stared at her reflection in the bathroom, preparatory to brushing her teeth. She'd forgotten to eat!
    Perhaps she could go down the hall to the candy machine. Mr. Jamieson, at the embassy, had given her

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