Lycan Redemption

Read Lycan Redemption for Free Online

Book: Read Lycan Redemption for Free Online
Authors: S. K. Yule
the house.
    She stood and faced Galen. Her brows drew down, probably in response to his frown. “Something wrong?”
    “I was just wondering why Patrick called you Myka instead of Mom.”
    “Oh.” It was her turn to frown now.
    “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
    “No. No. It’s a completely legit question. Patrick is not my son. He’s my nephew.”
    While he hadn’t cared when he thought Patrick was hers, an extreme wave of relief washed over him. Patrick was a wonderful boy, and he felt no different about him knowing that he wasn’t Myka’s son, but he couldn’t deny his happiness at Myka not having a child with another man.
    “He’s your nephew?”
    She sighed, shook her head, and plopped back on a hay bale.
    “I didn’t mean to pry.” He sat down beside her.
    “It’s okay. It’s sort of a touchy subject still. My brother was killed in a freak accident six months ago at work. I suddenly found myself a mother, and Patrick suddenly found himself fatherless. It wasn’t easy for either one of us, but I never wanted anything else than to give him the home and love he deserves from the start. It’s been tough. I don’t think I’m cut out for mom material.”
    “Hey,” he said softly before placing an arm around her back. “You are great with Patrick, and I can tell he loves you. I thought you were his mother from the start.”
    “Thank you.” She smiled up at him.
    “If you don’t want to answer, that is fine, but what happened to his mother?”
    “She abandoned him when he was barely a year old. My brother was devastated, and Patrick had to grow up without a mother. Although Travis was a great dad. He adored Patrick, gave him everything he could. It was tough for him, though.”
    “I can only imagine. I don’t know how anyone could abandon a child.”
    “It breaks my heart. Travis would never talk about it with Patrick. I know at some point in time he will start asking about his mother. I don’t know what to tell him.”
    “You will figure it out. You are a much better mother than you give yourself credit for.”
    She looked up at him again. “Flatterer.”
    “I only call it how I see it. You are pretty amazing.”
    The way her lips curved in that cute little o made need rush his veins. He wanted to devour her, drag her to the hay-strewn floor, rip all of their clothes off, lick every inch of her body, and claim her like his blood sang for him to do.
    Do it. Do it. Son of a bitch. He couldn’t. It wasn’t right. After hearing what she’d been struggling with the past six months, he was sure she didn’t need a complication like him. A complication that would most likely bring only heartbreak, and possibly trouble, right to her doorstep.
    He sighed and stood.”I’m going to get busy cleaning up in here,” he muttered, hoping she’d go back to the house before he let his needs get the best of him.

Chapter Four
    Myka thought Galen was going to kiss her when he’d abruptly stood and grabbed a rake. Disappointment seared her insides even though she knew it was for the better. She didn’t need to get tangled up with him, but she couldn’t deny that she longed to know the feel of his mouth on her own. He had the most perfect full lips, lips that she had no doubt would be possessive, warm . . . hot, seductive. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and willed the image from her mind.
    “Did I do something wrong, Galen? You suddenly seem upset.”
    “No. I should be working instead of prying into your business.”
    She stood and went to him. When he continued raking stray hay from the floor, she laid her hand on his forearm. His muscles bunched beneath her fingers before he stilled and slowly turned to face her.
    “I understand that you are probably only passing through, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends while you are here. We are human beings, after all. Kindness and communication is normal behavior.”
    He snorted. “Sorry. I have a very different

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