Lovely Shadows

Read Lovely Shadows for Free Online

Book: Read Lovely Shadows for Free Online
Authors: Kendra Kilbourn
watched her sleep, her chest rising and falling with every breath. He longed to reach out and smooth her hair away from her face. Instead, he tucked his hands tight under his armpits. More than ever, he wanted to solve the damn mystery and get the hell out of here. The longer he stayed, the worse it was going to be when he left. Already, her attitude toward him had changed. What was his leaving going to do to her? Yeah, he knew she was in love with the farmer; that didn't mean she couldn't love him as well. Something had to be done, and soon.
    The morning sun rose, bringing its ungodly heat with it. Summers in Kansas were like living in Death Valley. It was the one positive thing about death: Sensory perception was at a minimum. It was also a curse. Jessa got dressed then ate breakfast with Luke. The Reverend was already gone for the day. She teased Luke about his date with Billie, a detail Aidan apparently missed yesterday. So, the kid was going after the best friend. Oddly enough, Jessa seemed to be the matchmaker.
    Luke left for his summer job at one of the local farms, and Jessa flopped down in front of the TV, but she didn't seem to be watching it. Instead, she looked like she was thinking hard. Aidan propped himself on the end of the couch, watching her. Her presence filled something deep within him, something he didn't know he was missing until he died.
    She shifted her gaze from the TV to where he sat. For a long time, they stared at each other. He projected himself and held his shape. Her eyes widened, then she slowly sat up and reached out to him. This time, he didn't lose focus, and she didn't recoil as she lightly ran her finger across the sleeve of his jacket. When the phone rang, they both jumped.
    He made himself scarce while she chatted with Billie. Drifting up the her room, he threw himself across her bed. He had nothing else to do—no one to visit, no one to talk to. Being a ghost was lonely. Sure, Jessa could see him but she wanted to get rid of him too. It was his own damn fault and he knew it. Maybe he should find the nearest cemetery and hang out with his own kind. Maybe if he was around other ghosts he'd feel better, get some perspective on things.
    A few minutes later Jessa thundered up the stairs.
    “Finally!” she exclaimed dramatically.
    Aidan smiled. “Everything okay?”
    “Yes. Now we can get to work.”
    “Haven't you been working all day?” he asked sardonically with a chuckle.
    “If you consider lounging on the couch all morning as work, then yes. But work usually benefits someone.”
    “What are the benefits of helping me?”
    “You get to cross over and I get my life back.”
    He went cold, or at least as cold as a ghost could be.
    “Oh Aidan!” She covered her mouth with one perfectly manicured hand. “I didn't mean...I'm...I didn't mean it to sound that way.”
    “No, I understand. I'm cramping your style.”
    She shook her head. “It's not that. I...I'll miss you when you go but you cannot follow me the rest of my life. Things with Levi are great. Strange as it sounds, this is my first relationship, and he is the perfect guy. Having a ghost complicates that.”
    “So you don't want me to go, but I can't stay either?”
    “Complex I know.” She laid down on the bed, parallel to his shadow. “Don't you want to cross over?”
    “I don't know. I've never been afraid of much, but not knowing what is on the other side terrifies me. Yet, I don't want to stay in limbo either.”
    “Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?”
    “Yes. Don't you? You're a preacher's granddaughter.”
    “I don't know. I never used to. Then I met you; now I wonder if everything I've never believed in might be true.”
    “Why are you so skeptical?”
    She shrugged. “I guess I figure if I believe in nothing then I'll never be disappointed.”
    “That sounds cynical.”
    She shrugged again. Carefully, she reached out one hand and brushed it through his shadow. Taking a deep breath—still a strange

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