Love & Redemption
think it already stopped bleeding,” he said. “You’ll probably have a bruise. Maybe I should get ice.”
    “I’ll be fine. Let’s get this over with.”
    His eyebrows narrowed, probably upset that she wasn’t more excited about sleeping with him, but he pulled back the comforter and sheet with his free arm. “I’m guessing this is your side of the bed?”
    She nodded, slightly embarrassed for yelling at him before.
    He pushed her gently toward the mattress, halfway caressing her back. “In you go.”
    Obediently, she climbed onto the bed, though sudden anxiety tore her up. Gavin was handsome enough, that wasn’t the problem. She had nothing against him personally, but how could she do this? She wasn’t supposed to be sleeping with anyone. Not until she found true love. It seemed terribly unfair of her to refuse him now that he expected it, but she was trying to improve herself and become a better person.
    Part of that included respecting herself enough to wait for the right man. She didn’t want to be Felicia the slut anymore.
    “Gavin?” She looked up to where he stood over her, uncertain how to start the conversation they needed to have.
    “What is it?” He pulled the covers around her shoulders. “Did you change your mind? Want something for your head before going to sleep?”
    He rested his hand lightly against her hair and stroked his thumb between her eyebrows. “If you’re sure that’s all you need, sleep it is. Wake me if you need help in the night though.” His warm scent engulfed her as he stared at her for a few more seconds before backing away. “Sweet dreams.”
    Confused, Shelley watched him sit on the floor next to her and then he turned to click off the lamp. In the darkness, she heard him punch the pillow into what she presumed was a fluffier state and then lay down. Silence descended on the room except for faint city noises coming in from outside.
    After several minutes, Gavin rolled over, the blanket rustling against the floor when he moved. “Shell, I know I got mad before about the diamonds and the money. I want you to know that I really do appreciate you saving me. I know I caused lots of complications for you, and Nick tricked you somehow to get you here in the city, but thanks for helping me.”
    Shelley snuggled deeper into the bed and tucked her hand beneath her cheek. “Even if you don’t get money for your diamonds?”
    “Nick’s right,” he replied. “If Paul’s that powerful, I’m in trouble without help. The people I deal with are in business for money. You’re my best shot at getting out of this situation alive. I’ll figure out some other way to make money.”
    Though Shelley wanted to ask if that included robbery again, she knew that wasn’t fair. He had said something to Nick about running an expensive spa and hotel before, so obviously things had recently fallen apart in Gavin’s life. He didn’t need her snarky comments. She did owe him something, though.
    “I want to thank you too, Gavin.”
    He made a choking sound and then coughed. “Really? What for?”
    “For showing me there are still good men.” She turned her back on him, a little embarrassed, but also feeling hope for the first time in a very long time. “You might be a thief, but you are a true gentleman. I didn’t think those still existed.”
    At least, not for girls like me.

Chapter Five
    The following morning, Gavin held Shelley’s suitcase while they waited for the elevator in the parking garage. She had dressed in a gray business suit and the slacks fit her backend in a way that made walking behind her a pleasure. It had to be her attitude problem that left her dateless at the opera. There was nothing wrong with the way Shelley looked.
    “Is your head okay?” he asked, attempting to create conversation.
    She nodded. “Just a small bruise, but I covered it without a problem. I thought I’d have a pounding headache, but I’m okay.” Shrugging, she adjusted the

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