Love Me ~ Like That

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Book: Read Love Me ~ Like That for Free Online
Authors: Renee Kennedy
Tags: Romance
chat with the two of you but I have my own yard to get to. How about I come over for that glass of tea and sit out here another day?”
    That deep voice with its thick drawl probably has panties dropping everywhere. A sexy southern accent laced with charm on a man, um that is hot. Makes me want to butter my butt and give it to him as a biscuit. When he gets on his small John Deere tractor and heads back across the street, I do hate to see him go. He is great eye candy. I guess I’ll be spending more time outside from now on so I can let my eyes feast on him. Good thing that kind of candy is fat free.
    I work another hour in the flowerbed pruning the dead buds off the bushes. Tonight, I’ll turn on the sprinklers to give them a good watering. After I put away all my stuff, I help get Papa into the house then shower before I make them some lunch. I don’t have the time for my long luxurious baths much anymore. Between housework, taking care of Papa and Granny and my social life, I barely have time to get my real job done. At least I can work from home, and the pay is enough to make my car payment, pay insurance, and give me a little spending money. Granny is always giving me five or ten dollars here and there for gas when I run errands for them. I tell her I don’t need the cash, but she says she knows how much money I make.
    After I make their lunch, we all sit at the table to eat and chat. “I still have a lot of work to do in that flowerbed to get it back in shape for you, Granny.”
    Granny smiles. She has different smiles. If you know her well enough and you pay attention, they will tell you what she is thinking. This smile says she’s about to pull something over on me.
    “I invited our new neighbors, the Wilsons, to our picnic. That boy is so sweet, Bailey. Why didn’t you come over and say hello?”
    She is a sly one, but I’m on to her. “Granny, you know I’m dating Hendrix. Besides, I looked like something the cat drug in. You know I can’t meet anybody looking like that.”
    “Bailey, it shouldn’t have mattered how you looked if you weren’t interested in him.” She quirks an eyebrow and tries not to smile.
    To know Granny is to love her.
    Her cordless phone rings. I’m saved .
    “Hello? Why haven’t you called me?” She chuckles.
    She asks that any time somebody in the family is on the other end. They could have called her just a couple of hours ago, but that would be too long for her. Nothing would please her more than to have all of her kids with her twenty-four seven. Now me, it would drive me crazy.
    I load the dishwasher and clean up the mess from lunch. By the time I do the rest of the house cleaning and finish a couple of loads of laundry, I feel dirty again and I’m tired. No one tells you taking care of two little old people is so much work. Since both Papa and Granny are napping, I go for that luxurious bath I’ve been dreaming about.
    With my e-reader and a glass of tea to sip on, I head off to my bathroom. Nothing is more relaxing than reading a good steamy book in a hot steamy tub. Sometimes I gets a little too hot when I read a juicy sex scene and I’ve got to take care of business. I can’t help myself. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
    I shave all my necessary parts quickly in the shower, wash my hair then relax in the tub, letting the hot water relieve my sore muscles. With Luke Bryan on my iPod, a good story to read, and a glass of sweet tea sitting beside me, I’m in heaven. I fire up my reader. I can’t wait to see what this hot country boy is up to next!
    My phone dings with a text from Lizzie.
    Lizzie: What did you and “A Joke” do last night?
    Well, she’s not getting the truth on that. She will end up giving me another lecture about how he is just using me so I type back.
    Me: Nothing much. In the tub. I’ll text when I’m out.
    I lay here and let the hot water relax all of my muscles while the book relaxes my mind. Sometimes, I really want to try

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