Authors: Damon Peters
so late in the evening, her cheeks still red from the use she'd been put to.
    She went to her own bed and smiled pleasantly to Isabel when she brought her father in to breakfast the following morning. Penny's graciousness seemed to upset the young woman and she left shortly after, off to her room to catch up with correspondence.
    The old boy was more alert that morning, growing furiously frustrated when he couldn't find the words he wanted or get his hands to work properly. Penny spent most of the time placating him. "It will come," she promised, stroking the hand that had just hammered the table with frustration.
    Debora arrived, John trailing her, the newspaper in hand, and he sat on Richard's other side to share the headlines with him, pointing out the end of the coal-miners' strike and the steady move towards an independent Ireland. Stocks were still depressed, even though unemployment figures showed a fall. Lord Richard grunted at that. With over one-and-a-half million still unemployed, the fall was little more than just a word.
    "I heard noises coming from Isabel's room last night," Penny told John, her eyes twinkling with her knowledge.
    "I'm assuming they weren't the normal noises a young lady might make while going to bed?" John asked, and looked at his old friend to grin as he saw the same interest in his eyes as in his own. Even Debora leant forward to hear what Penny had to say, her breakfast momentarily forgotten.
    "And I saw that maid, Lilly, step out of the room shortly after," Penny added with a knowing nod.
    "And you don't think she was helping her mistress undress?" John asked.
    "Not unless it involved quite a number of slaps," Penny giggled.
    "Well, well. So Miss Isabel punishes her own staff," Debora chuckled.
    "Not unheard of," John reminded them.
    Penny shook her head. "From the look on Lilly's face her punishment involved more pleasure than it involved pain," she told them.
    Lord Richard grunted and nodded his head, growing angry once more as he failed to put words together.
    John gripped his arm and smiled comfortingly. "Slowly old man. You'll get there. Just don't push too hard. Penny would hate you getting over your disability too quickly," he chuckled.
    Penny grinned, her cheeks growing bright even as a hand stole under the table to slide along his leg and give his cock a loving squeeze. "We'll give you a new course of treatment this morning. I'm sure you'll like it," she purred in his ear, he smile growing in proportion to the lengthening of her penis.
    "Then Debora and I will interview Lilly on our own. Find out exactly what Isabel is up to," John decided. "No, no. We won't approach Isabel," he said when Lord Richard made chocking noises. He placated him with a pat on the arm. "We'll report back our findings, then decide what to do about it," he agreed.
    They finished their breakfast and strode through to the drawing room where the South and East facing windows allowed the sunlight to flood the room, brightening the faded fabrics of the sofas and rugs.
    Debora worked her way along the row of push buttons before deciding that the third might bring her the maid she wanted, and they made themselves comfortable while waiting for her to arrive, smiling and welcoming her when she came through the door.
    "I understand you were seen coming from Miss Isabel's room late last night," John told her.
    Lilly's smile fled from her face before she nervously nodded. "I was acting as her Lady's maid, she not having one and all," she explained.
    "She used you for other things though, didn't she?" John pressed, his legs folded, a hand on his knee.
    "I don't know what you mean Sir. I helped her get ready for bed, is all," she murmured, looking worriedly at the two of them.
    "Don't you?" John asked sharply.
    "Please Sir; I didn't do nothing," Lilly whimpered.
    Debora stood to go to the girl's side and gently embrace her. "There, there. Tell us what happened, otherwise I'm afraid we're going to have to dismiss you," she

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