Living a Lie (Book 0.5 in The Lie Series)
finger down my breast, pinching a
nipple. “You’re fucking unbelievably perfect.”

    He reached over to the edge of the bed
and grabbed a foil packet, and then moved on top of me. Swiftly, he
untied me; freeing me up to hold him. He moved between my legs,
spreading them father apart. He yanked the condom onto his
considerable length and leaned down. “Hold me,” he whispered before
kissing me. His hands were on either side of my head. He hovered
over me, staring down into my eyes. “I’m going to fuck you, Mrs.
Black.” With those words, I felt the sting of his invasion. He was
still staring at me with an unfamiliar look of lust. His mouth was
slightly gapped as he moved inside of me. I held onto his forearms,
matching each thrust with one of my own. He shifted to his elbows
so I felt his weight as he moved more franticly in me. He pounded
harder, picking up speed in a relentless rhythm. Something started
to build in me, stronger than I ever felt before. My thought
scattered as I came apart under him. He pushed into me three more
times, before his face scrunched together in his own release. He
rolled off of me as he took deep but even breaths.

    “You didn’t hurt me.” I finally
managed to say after a few moments of collecting my

    “I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m soon
going to have to hurt the only person I can’t stand to see hurt
again. You or me neither needed pain tonight.”

    “Why? Why hurt someone if you don’t
want them to hurt?”

    “Sometime a little pain is better than
a lot of pain. I’ll show you.” He shifted over on top of me and
took a nip at my ear.

    “How can you stand to show
a woman so rubenesque

    “Rubenesque?” His face twisted in pure

    “Fat,” I blurted out before
turning my face to look at a flickering candle, rather than

    He gingerly yanked on my
hair, pulling me to my feet. He seemed pissed. He fished a remote
out of his jean pocket and punched a button causing the lights to
slightly brighten. He pulled me to a set of mirrors. At first, all
I noticed was his bulging muscles covered in tattoos. Years of
practice, kept me from focusing on my own body. That was until he
started kneading my breast into his oversized hand.

    “I could kill your husband,
right now. He has built it up in your mind that this voluptuous
body is anything other than the treasure it is. I’ve fucked size
zeroes that didn’t hold half the passion you hold in this stunning

    “Thank you,” I said,
leaning my face against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

    He pinched my chin in his
hand, forcing me to look at myself. “These breast,” he whispered as
he worked his finger over my nipples. “They are full and womanly. I
dream of breast like these.” He slid his hand down my waist. “This
waistline has bared three children.” He did his heart-stopping
smirk. “I do my homework. No, it’s not flat anymore, but it’s
something so much more. It’s a life-given vessel that any man would
be honor to get to caress. These hips.” He slipped his hand down
father to hug my thigh. “God, to watch them move causes my dick to
stand to attention. I didn’t have you here tonight to prove a point
or even get my dick wet, but because I have wanted to fuck you
since you walked into my club.” The lights fully came on. “And I’m
going to fuck this beautiful body for the rest of the night.” He
raised my chin with the back of his finger and kissed me. “My name
is Ethan Asher by-the-way.”

    I gasped. Ethan became
possessed. He changed. There was a primal need to control in his
eyes. I trembled as he pushed me over at the waist.

    “Hold your ankles,” he
barked out. There was not an ounce of tenderness in his voice, all
I heard was the no hold bars Dom. “I’m going to fuck you hard.” He
yanked my hair causing me to hold my head up. I gripped my ankles

    He rammed into me with no
mercy. My eyes closed at the intrusion. He slapped my

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