Learning to Breathe

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Book: Read Learning to Breathe for Free Online
Authors: J. C. McClean
clutching at straws. Perhaps I was so desperate for my past to remain behind me that I was inventing a mystery to solve where there wasn’t one. Nevertheless, I thought it best to avoid contact with Danny at all costs … I had a feeling that it would be very dangerous otherwise.

Chapter Five
    The rest of the summer seemed to pass in a blur. It wa s hard to believe that today would be my first day at Dover High. For the past two weeks, I had managed to steer clear of Danny but today I wouldn’t be able to. I wasn’t exactly sure why I felt that it was necessary to avoid him because he hadn’t exactly done anything wrong but it was just easier than dealing with his questions about my past.
    I quickly showered and then pondered about what to wear. I ransacked my wardrobe and managed to decide on navy jeans, a grey v-neck t-shirt and grey Converse – I thought it was quite apt as the colours seemed to suit my mood. 
    I grabbed my shoulder bag and then headed downstairs to make some coffee. I met my mother coming out of the kitchen in quite a hurry.
    “Morning honey, sorry I can’t drop you off for your first day but I’m late for work. Have fun though!” She then rushed out the door, leaving me alone wondering if today was going to be as horrible as I was imagining it would be.
    After consuming some much-needed caffeine, I locked up the house and had just started heading towards the bus stop when I heard a horn honking. I turned and saw that it was Harriet. Over the last two weeks, I had seen her very seldom and last week, I hadn’t seen her at all since she had been away on holiday to Spain.
    I approached the ca r and she wound down the window. “Hey Darcie, want a lift?”
    I nodde d. “Sure, thanks.” I hopped into the passenger seat and felt relieved that I wouldn’t have to get the bus after all.
    “So, you have a nice holiday?” I ventured at Harriet who was looking very brown.
    She turned to glance at me and smiled. “Yeah, it was great. How was the rest of yours?”
    I shrugged. “Very uneventful.”
    I watched her smirk for a minute. “Really? Well what’s this I hear about you and Danny not speaking to each other?”
    I rolled my e yes. “Why does it matter? Who told you anyway?”
    She chuckled. “My little sister – Faye, she’s best friends with Ellie. Ellie updated her on all of the gossip when we came home from holiday. Apparently they both think that you and Danny would make a cute couple.”
    “Please!” I scoffed. “They’re eight years old – they still think Barbie and Ken make a cute couple!”
    Harriet giggled loudly and then suddenly turned serious . “So you’re not interested in Danny at all?”
    I shook my head. “No, I’m not.” I told her vehemently – determined to let her know that it was the truth.
    “Fair enough. What happ ened between you guys though?” She frowned at me, eagerly awaiting my answer.
    “It was actually about him asking me out. I don’t date but he couldn’t seem to accept that the first time so I had to tell him again.” I shrugged and watched as Harriet looked confused.
    “Why don’t you date?” She asked with a puzzled look.
    “I just don’t. Never have.” I told her firmly so that she knew to change the subject.
    She merely nodded, pulled into the school car park and said, “Welcome to Dover High – the place that will suck the life o ut of you for the next year – enjoy.”
    I chuckled. “It can’t be that bad. Can it?”
    Harriet fa ced me with a sombre expression. “I guess you’ll find out, won’t you?” She then winked and got out of the car.
    Dover High was a rather large building and I idly found myself wondering how I would ever remember my way around. I was just thankful that today was only a half day and I wouldn’t have to worry about it properly until Monday. However, my mind was put at ease a little when Harriet offered to be my guide for the following week. We made our way to our tutor class

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