
Read Laser for Free Online

Book: Read Laser for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Paranormal, Space Opera, Erotic Romance
the centre of the chest. Laser winced and returned to the ship. She called the monitor pod up, and it hopped back onto her arm, nestling in the armour.
    The ship rumbled under them and lifted off before they had gotten to the command deck.
    Lukar muttered, “It seems Stinger has caught on to us not being safe there as well. I guarantee that no one will use that particular bunker again.”
    Lee laughed then coughed as she tried to get the taste of explosive compound out of her mouth.
    “Can I head to the shower and get something to drink?”
    “Go ahead. I will join you in a moment.”
    She blinked at that but headed to her quarters to get the strange flavours out of her mouth and grit off her skin. The retrofit that Stinger had been through included a cleaning unit for the suit.
    First, she had the suit scrubbed, put it on the charger and then she returned to her lav to get herself the once over. She was clean and neat when she finally left her bath chamber, her hair was brushed and the makeup had been removed.
    She blinked when she came out and a fold of cloth was draped on the edge of her bed. She measured the length and shrugged, wrapping it around her hips.
    With her skirt showing a bit of thigh, she headed to the command deck. “Thanks for the clothing.”
    “It wasn’t me. I am guessing that Stinger had something in his storage units and he had a bot bring it to you. I am perfectly happy for you to be mostly naked.” He grinned and turned to her, pausing and giving her an admiring look. “Have you eaten?”
    “May I join you? We have a while to go before the next event. It will be a little easier. We are on an escort mission and are meeting our assignment and escorting her to her wedding.”
    “Sure, you can join me. Explain to me what we are going to be doing with the bride.”
    She headed for the galley and spoke to the ship. “Thanks, Stinger . I am guessing that this is for the wedding.”
    The bell was clear.
    “How does it look?”
    Three clear chimes rang out.
    “I will guess that is good.”
    One bell rang again.
    “It looks lovely. Even though I know what is under it, I am fascinated with every step you take.” Lukar chuckled.
    She looked at him over her shoulder. “So, naked is good, clothed is a tease?”
    He shrugged. “I am a male. Either is good.”
    Lee laughed and set up a pot of tea.
    Lukar called up meals for both of them.
    She arranged the tray and placed all the necessities on it. When the tea was ready, she moved the carafe onto the tray and set the tray on the table.
    Settling down, she made sure to smooth the fabric under her thighs. As she poured the tea, she asked, “So, are we going to be doing a lot of that kind of pointless thing?”
    He let out a short hiss. “It will make up about five percent of our work. Defending incursions into Imperium space is also under our purview. The territory we worked on today is the site for a new observatory. The deaths that occurred there will keep them from gathering there again, it is G’bar tradition.”
    She sipped at her cup. “I have to tell you, the reporter took me by surprise.”
    “I was not expecting it either, but you reacted well. You seem to have instincts for this sort of thing.”
    Lee blew on her tea. “My father taught me to hunt, to do small motor repair and even cure my own hides after a hunt. It wasn’t a typical upbringing for a young lady, but it worked out and turned me into a practical woman.”
    “Kilon and I don’t have a sister, but I like to think that our father would have been half as good as yours seemed to be.”
    “You can tell him so the next time I call him.”
    The dispenser chirped and he retrieved their meals.
    His spikes were back in low pathways just above his skin.
    “So, you are really venomous, huh?”
    He looked at his arm and nodded. “I am. The spikes project when I am preparing to fight, and the only known antidote is produced voluntarily by my saliva glands.”
    “So, the

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