Keira Kendrik

Read Keira Kendrik for Free Online

Book: Read Keira Kendrik for Free Online
Authors: Jasmine's Escape
What about you guys?" Jasmine asked, which started a debate between the younger girls on what was good to mix together.
    Jasmine sat back with a sigh and wished she could be back with the men in her dreams .  She actually felt like she had orgasmed in real life, she felt very relaxed.  Oh well, she thought , nothing that good really comes to you in real life.

Chapter Six
    Jackson and Cade arrived at their door at promptly seven the next morning .  They had several of their men with them.  All of them had been filled in on the fact they were searching for a missing woman, Jasmine Dupree, who was their princes’ life mate.  They all understood the importance of getting this woman back.
    Jackson had chosen well from their men at Champion .  Christian, who considered himself a gifted lover was six foot, had blond hair that fell to his shoulders and green eyes; Trent, who was six foot two, brown hair and brown eyes; Cord, who was a jokester, stood at six foot, had brown hair and green eyes. Dominik was always serious, he stood at six foot three, had black hair and green eyes. Marco was also six foot with black hair and brown eyes. Then there was Gavin, he was around six foot two inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes like Trent. They were all Otherkin and the best at tracking people down.  They all set out for the warehouse where Gabe had seen the man exit. When they met at the rendezvous point, Jackson began to inform them what he had found.
    "T he license plate belonged to Michael DeMarco, a local thug who was also known as 'Kush'," he said as he looked at the guys. "He is known as 'Kush' because, evidently, our friend likes the cushier side of life and would do anything to get it."
    As the men pondered this information, Phoenix said, "Well that does shed a light on things. This has to be it." He shared a look with his brother.
      Gabe's intuition told him that building was the one where the women were being held.  He caught Phoenix's gaze with his own, silently confirming with him that they would do whatever it took to free Jasmine immediately.
    They pulled down past the building in question and parked one block over .  Phoenix had the men split up and take different sections of the block.  He and Gabe were going to check out the window areas of the building Gabe had seen this Kush come out of the day before.  They both shifted into seagulls and flew to the first set of windows on the first floor of the four-story building.  They saw nothing but an empty building inside, trash littered everywhere, nothing to show anyone had been inside.  They flew to the second floor, which turned out to be the same as the first.  When they reached the third, everything changed.  With the sharp vision their birds carried, they saw there was a modern security system set up in a building that appeared to be abandoned.  They also saw two men with rather large submachine guns strapped to their shoulders.  They knew this was the building.  They turned to go back to the SUVs so they could speak to their men and make a plan of attack.
    Once they had met at the vehicles, Phoenix said, "We should go back to the townhouse and formulate our plan."
    Gabe nodded. "We are going to need to get some layouts of this building as well."
    "I'm on it ," Jackson said, jumping on his laptop.  
    When they arrived at the townhouse, Jackson printed the layouts he found and said, "These are the most recent blueprints filed with the county."
    Cord stood and took his cell phone out of his pocket. "I'm ordering food."
    Trent laughed. "You would."
    "Hey, we have to keep up our strength ," Cord grumbled, he was the muncher in the bunch.  When the food arrived, they began to eat and plan. 
    "We'll go in after dark. Before we leave, I want to try to merge again with Jasmine," Gabe said. Everyone nodded. Darkness gave them cover to change quickly in any given place. 
    Phoenix and Gabe went into the bedroom to try to merge with Jasmine but were

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