Jason Deas - Benny James 02 - Pushed

Read Jason Deas - Benny James 02 - Pushed for Free Online

Book: Read Jason Deas - Benny James 02 - Pushed for Free Online
Authors: Jason Deas
Tags: Mystery: Thriller - P.I. - Florida
sound like a cheesy romance movie or novel. But, it was a rainy day when I first met her. Thunder was keeping all the customers away and we were doing no business that afternoon. She opened the front door and I swear to you on my life that a ray of sunlight followed her inside. The moment I saw her my heart broke because I knew my life would not be complete until she was a part of it.”
    “So you hired her on the spot?”
    “Hell no,” Azim answered. “I didn’t want her to work in this filthy place. This place is filled with creeps each night. She didn’t deserve that!”
    “But she did work here?”
    “Yes. She would not take no for an answer. I have never met a more determined woman.”
    “Did she know how you felt about her?”
    “Yes. I am usually a very quiet and guarded person, but I told her on that first day what she did to my insides.”
    “And how did she take that information?”
    “I honestly think she was touched. Here she was in an establishment that sells sex and its owner was attracted to her beauty in a non-sexual way.”
    “You were not interested in her sexually?” Rachael asked, unconvinced.
    “No. I know it’s hard to believe, coming from a guy who owns a strip club, but no. I was taken by her because I felt something deeper than the usual animal attraction I usually feel in the presence of a beautiful woman. Because of that, I knew there was something special about this woman.”
    “Who killed her?” Rachael asked, taking a stab with a very direct approach.
    “I’ve been wondering that myself and trying to figure out whom it might be.”
    “Do you know that people involved with the victims, especially love interests, become main targets of scrutiny.”
    “Yes,” Azim said. “I was aware of all of that before I told you anything. I have nothing to hide about my love for her.” Azim paused and a look of confusion washed over his face.
    “Is everything OK, Azim?”
    “Maybe it is because I am very tired, but I am not comprehending something here,” Azim stated.
    “What is that?”
    “I thought everybody was trying to find this man named Brother Jim? I thought he was responsible for these acts?”
    “That’s the popular theory.”
    “Do you have another theory?” Azim asked.
    “No, but I’m a journalist. I don’t get paid or stand out among my peers if I just accept the main story and parrot it back every night on television. I have to think about all the what ifs and dig up something new.”
    “What if there is nothing new to find?”
    “There is always something new to find. I found you. I discovered that Josephine Brezark had someone in her life who really cared about something other than her body. That someone saw past her occupation and treated her like a human being deserves to be treated. Don’t you think for her memory, that I have not wasted my time this morning?”
    “I think it very much,” Azim answered. A single tear appeared in his left eye. “I think it very much.”
    Rachael finished her cup of coffee and stood up. She held out her hand to Azim and he bypassed her hand and gave her a gentle and sad hug.
    “Why don’t you go home and get some sleep and maybe we can meet again,” Rachael suggested.
    “I would like that,” Azim answered.
    Rachael handed Azim her business card with her cell number handwritten on the back and turned to go.
    Azim stopped her. “She did leave one thing here,” Azim said. “Can I give it to you?”
    “Sure,” Rachael answered. “I’ll make sure it gets in the right hands.”
    Azim reached under the bar and handed Rachael a brown tattered Bible.

Chapter 7
    Rachael met her producer for breakfast and ran a few other errands before calling Benny at a few minutes before eleven. She was sure he would be out of bed by this hour.
    He answered the hotel room phone after the first ring.
    “Good morning, sunshine,” Rachael said.
    “What happened last night?” Benny said with a little laugh.

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