Jack A Grim Reaper Romance

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance for Free Online
Authors: Calista Taylor
come up behind her. Though it could be someone just strolling down the busy street, she thought not. Not one to be intimidated, she spun around to face the matter head on, and found herself staring into those dark eyes.
    “May I help you, sir?” She pulled herself up to her full height of five feet and three inches, though only a fool would think her an easy target. “Not only have you been staring quite rudely, but to follow me is completely ungentlemanly of you.”
    “My apologies.” He looked quite different to your typical Englishman, but his speech was that of a Londoner—and rather learned at that. His eyes scanned her face as if searching for something. “I’d heard my grandmother speak of your kind, but never gave it much credence.”
    It felt like the ground beneath her feet had fallen away, though she refused to let him see his words had an effect. Surely he could not be referring to her being a reaper. “I’m shocked to think I’m the first woman you’ve ever laid eyes on, and frankly think you’ve seen enough.”
    He threw back his head and laughed, as she spun on her heels and continued walking. “Who knew death would wear such a pretty face?”
    His words stopped her cold.
    Shaken, she slowly turned and pinned him with a stare to glamour him, an ability every reaper learned to perfect. It allowed them to walk amongst the living forgotten and unnoticed, memories erased, and thoughts manipulated. “You will forget you ever met me.”
    His eyes widened in question, humor in his eyes. “Is that so? For I do not believe I’ll forget you anytime soon, dear lady.”

    Chapter Four
    “Lilly, calm down and tell me once more what happened.” Mason took her hand in his to put an end to her pacing and to offer her some comfort. She was completely shaken, and her ramblings left him with very little information to go on.
    After a difficult day searching for Jack and an exhausting meeting with the Elders, Mason had been ready to find distraction in the form of drink and cards, when Lilly’s footman turned up on his doorstep. Her note had said nothing more than to come as soon as he was able.
    “He knew I was a reaper—said his grandmother had told him about our kind. I denied it, of course; made out that he was insane. I just do not understand how this is possible.” Her eyes were filled with worry and shock. “I’ve never heard of anyone seeing us for what we truly are.”
    Mason gave it some thought. He needed to make sure she hadn’t misunderstood the man. “Did he say the word ‘reaper’? Or are you jumping to conclusions? The ability to see our true nature is a rare one, Lilly. I cannot imagine it to be the case.”
    He saw the anger spark in her eyes—and the fire within her did nothing but set flame to his passions. He knew he shouldn’t try her patience, yet he could not stop himself. The heat that swept across her cheeks and the fierceness in her eyes left him barely able to resist her.
    “Though he didn’t call me a reaper, I am not jumping to conclusions, Mason.” When his eyebrows perked up in question, she added, “He said he hadn’t expected death to wear such a pretty face. Death is damned close, if you ask me.”
    A pretty face indeed—locks black as midnight and pearly white skin made her glacial blue eyes striking, demanding attention, while stealing one’s heart and imagination. “Yes. Close enough.”
    “There’s more, Mason. I tried to glamour him so he’d forget, and it had absolutely no effect.”
    It was now Mason’s turn to pace. “Do you know anything about the man?”
    “He sounded like a Londoner, even if he didn’t really look it. One with quite a bit of schooling, I might add. However, he didn’t mention his name, and I didn’t ask.” Lilly pressed her hand to her temples as if to ward off a headache that would never come.
    “He may not have been an

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