Is He Or Isn't He?

Read Is He Or Isn't He? for Free Online

Book: Read Is He Or Isn't He? for Free Online
Authors: John Hall
to taste good .” Female—and male—fans were known to throw their underwear at him (along with hotel room keys).
    â€œMax’s father is opening a new restaurant in New York,” Felix explained. “He’s going to be here for at least a year, overseeing things, and he decided to bring his entire family.He’s also writing his first cookbook and wants to be close to his publisher. Max is living in my building and he’ll be going to Peppington Prep. When I heard about your party from the twins, I didn’t think you’d mind if I came along and brought a guest. You know, to help him fit in and feel welcome.”
    So he wasn’t Felix’s boyfriend. If he was, he was sure Felix would have dropped that little tidbit. Over the last year, Anthony had run into Felix on more than one occasion outside of school and he was always with a hot-looking guy who he made a point of introducing to Anthony as his boyfriend. Anthony always felt like one of Cinderella’s ugly stepsisters when that happened.
    â€œHey Felix!” Max said, joining his side and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “What’s up?”
    â€œWe have to leave, Max.”
    â€œLeave?” A puzzled look washed over Max’s face. “But we just got here.”
    Anthony was relieved to notice that up close, Max was just as adorable as he had been from far away. Phew! Some guys suffered from FAB syndrome. They were Far Away Beauties who looked good from a distance but when they got closer…yikes!
    Like his father, Max had chocolate brown eyes and a chiseled cleft in his chin. He took off his baseball cap and ran a hand through his dark brown hair. Despite wearing a baseball cap, it was perfectly styled and fell neatly into place. His face was totally smooth and…was that cologne he was wearing? Anthony took a tiny step closer to Max and sniffed discreetly. Yes, it was! And expensive stuff, too!
    â€œAre we leaving for another party?” Max asked.
    Anthony couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Leave?! You can’t leave!”
    â€œBut I didn’t get an invitation to the party,” Felix pointed out.
    Anthony’s mind scrambled for an answer. “You weren’t on the guest list because you’re not a guest. You’re one of my oldest friends. You didn’t get an invitation in the mail because I was going to call and personally invite you.”
    Felix looked at Anthony skeptically. “Oh, you were?”
    â€œOf course! How could I have a party without you, Felix?”
    â€œYou have in the past.”
    â€œOnly because you’re always off at some better party.”
    â€œThat’s true,” Felix agreed. “The other parties are always better than yours.”
    Anthony ignored the dig and kept smiling. No way was he going to lose it in front of Felix.
    â€œIt’s because he doesn’t like me,” Felix whispered into Max’s ear. “Never has. Never will.”
    Anthony laughed. “You’re such a kidder, Felix.” Anthony turned to Max with a smile. “Felix and I have been friends since first grade. We’re like brothers.”
    Felix gave Anthony a smirk. “Don’t you mean sisters ?”
    Anthony ignored the comment and held his hand out to Max. “Hi, I’m Anthony DeMarco. I live here.”
    Max reached for Anthony’s hand and gave him a huge smile that lit up his entire face. “Max Coulter. Nice to meet you.”
    Anthony’s heart began racing madly. He did not want to let go of Max’s hand. At that moment Anthony felt like he was going to melt into a puddle. Was this what they called love at first sight?
    Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where had that thought come from? He had just met Max and he didn’t know a thing about him. Time to hit the brakes.
    Anthony let go of Max’s hand and smiled back at him. “I hope you’re having a good time.”

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