Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender

Read Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender for Free Online

Book: Read Intimate 02 - Intimate Surrender for Free Online
Authors: Laura Landon
    “Is your life in London that full?”
    “Yes, quite full. But what about yours? What do you do to occupy your time?”
    For the first time, he seemed at a loss, almost embarrassed. But in character, his expression changed, and his charming devil-may-care personality came to the forefront.
    Hannah realized that the lackadaisical side of his personality was perhaps an act he put on to hide his true nature. She wondered what deeper traits he felt it was necessary to hide. She was about to delve into his personality to find what he was avoiding having anyone discover, when the danger of being so inquisitive hit her.
    It wouldn’t be safe to want to know more about him. She couldn’t afford to care. She decided changing the subject was her best form of defense.
    “Where is Miss Warden? Surely you haven’t abandoned her?”
    He glanced over his shoulder. “No. The children wanted to play another lawn game, and she decided to join them.”
    Hannah gave him a censorious look. “Did you frighten the young lady off?”
    “Heavens, no. I don’t frighten women. They terrify
    Hannah couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, Lord Rafe. I’ve never met anyone less terrified of females than you. I’d wager to say that you’re accustomed to having every female you meet fall at your feet.”
    “Every female except you, Miss Bartlett.”
    Hannah couldn’t hold his gaze. She lifted her glass of lemonade and took a drink.
    “Why is that?” he asked after sitting in the chair opposite her.
    She couldn’t avoid his gaze, couldn’t help but look at his face.
    Hannah hoped she’d see a teasing glint in his eyes, an expression that said his question was a jest. But he was deadly serious. He genuinely expected her to give him an answer. And it would have to be one he would believe.
    “I know you have a difficult time believing this,” she said, placing her glass back on the table and looking directly at him, “but I have no intention of ever marrying. I therefore think of it as a kindness to both myself and any man who shows me the slightest amount of attention not to offer any encouragement that our acquaintance could possibly develop into anything substantial.”
    “Have you ever considered what you would do if you met someone you wanted as more than a friend?”
    “That will not happen, my lord. I will not allow it.”
    He arched his eyebrows, then reached for the glass a servant had placed on the table beside him. “How very intriguing,” he said, taking a sip of the lemonade.
    “My comment was not meant to intrigue you.”
    “I know, Miss Bartlett. That is what makes your attitude even more interesting.”
    Hannah knew it was useless to argue with him. She focused instead on Miss Warden, who was entertaining the younger children. “Miss Warden seems like a very pleasant young lady.”
    “She is,” he answered.
    “But she doesn’t interest you?”
    He shook his head, then took another sip from his glass.
    “That’s all right, my lord. Lady Wedgewood mentioned she’d invited several other local girls during our stay. Six, if I understood correctly. That means there are five more possibilities.”
    “But the second candidate won’t arrive until the day after tomorrow. Which means that tomorrow I will be free. And so will you.”
    “I’m sure Lady Wedgewood has something planned for tomorrow in which she expects us to participate.”
    “She did, but she changed her mind when I mentioned that you had never visited a brewery and I’d promised to take you. Of course, the fact that everyone else was eager to go helped sway her. We will leave midmorning, stop for lunch at the Spotted Goose on our way, and then tour Bradford Brewery in the afternoon. If we’re fortunate, Lord and Lady Grayson will be there. You’ll enjoy meeting them.”
    Hannah knew she needed to discourage him as much as possible. “Who has Lady Wedgewood invited to partner you the day after?”
    Lord Rafe rolled his eyes heavenward.

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