In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4))

Read In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4)) for Free Online

Book: Read In Love With A Warrior (Gunn Guardsman (Book 4)) for Free Online
Authors: Kara Griffin
cheek. “I’m sorry, lovely, for causing your ire. You know that is not my wish. I had duties. That was the only thing that kept me from you. But I do hope you forgive me.” James lifted a tress of her red hair and set it upon her lovely bosom. He didn’t wish for an emotional farewell, but that’s exactly what he got.  “Fare thee well, my bonny lady.”
    When James exited the cottage, he bumped into Sean, who had just shouted his name.
    Near dawn, his friend spoke with such vigor, loud enough to wake the dead. James muttered a few curses under his breath, for his friend’s lack of manners.
    “Cosh! Sean, people are sleeping. You’ll awaken your entire clan with your shouting. How’d you know I’d be here?” James grumbled.
    “I figured it out. Aye, you tried to be elusive, my friend, but I saw the way you’d looked at Muriel upon your return. I knew it.” Sean raised a brow. “How long has this been going on? Ah, never mind. We must hasten.” He chuckled loud enough to wake those in the adjacent cottages. “Best get your arse moving. Grey wants to meet when the cocks crow.”
    “God Almighty, has he no sense? Just because he likes leaving his bed when it is still dark, doesn’t mean we all do. Why does he want to meet so early?”
    James hastily led the way, and shoved Sean’s shoulder irritably when he passed by. His friend had an annoying smirk on his face and that bothered him for he was not cheerful in the morning no matter what time he arose. And this night he hadn’t slept a wink.
    “What’d you do that for?”
    “For getting me at this God-forsaking hour. I got no sleep, damnation.”
    Sean bellowed in laughter. “Nay, none? Damn me, I didn’t deem Muriel had it in her. I’d think she’d allow you at least an hour’s reprieve.”
    James found his jest not to his liking and gave him a glare to attest to it. “Do we leave this day? What did Grey say about his meeting with the king?”
    Sean took on a quick pace and looked to be avoiding answering him. James unsheathed his sword and pointed it outward, in front of Sean, to stop his friend from moving forward.
    “Tell me … What did he say?”
    “He said nothing about it. Grey rousted me and my entire household with his yells. He even woke Trudy with his boisterous shouts. I should murder him, for Frances hasn’t been feeling well and I’ve letting her sleep in. Now the wee mite is running around the hall. God I hope she’s pestering Grey, he deserves it. Frances gave him a what-for and I got the hell out of there.”
    James laughed, for Trudy, Sean’s daughter, was an adorable lass, och she liked to talk and wouldn’t stop unless you found food to quiet her. She’d be a stuffed goose by the time she reached the age of ten. He could’ve laughed at his thought.
    “He didn’t say why he wanted us there at this hour?”
    Sean shook his head. “Nay, all he said was get everyone and something about meeting when the cocks crow.” He bellowed a laugh. “’Tis the truth, I don’t allow the nasty, noisy birds within the castle’s walls.”
    James didn’t find his friend’s comment the least bit humorous.
    They reached the keep and were the last to arrive. Besides he and Sean, the rest sat around the long table, looking as put-out as he was. Grey, Duff, and Benson, the keep’s commander-in-arms, as well as a few other seasoned soldiers, were staring at each other. He gave a quick glance to his close comrade, Colm, who was a guardsman like himself. His friend gave nothing away and returned his gaze with a raised brow.
    James took the seat opposite of Grey. “Laird, you got us all out of bed, you mind telling us why?”
    A trencher was sent in front of him, but James couldn’t even think of eating at a time like this. He waited impatiently for the news, of which he dreaded. They’d be sent to war.
    “James, eat first. Then we’ll have our discussion. I’ll need everyone’s full attention when I speak of it.”
    But James

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