Ian's Way

Read Ian's Way for Free Online

Book: Read Ian's Way for Free Online
Authors: Reese Gabriel
through her like a raw bolt of lightning.
    She rode and rode and rode. She dug her fingernails into his chest and he took it, encouraging her more and more, their bodies in sync, his solid muscles and her curves.
    Oh jeezus , they fit…this fit.
    Her orgasm ripped through her like a tornado, roaring like a freight train—flesh dissolved, every atom exploded from within. Somehow he managed to take one of her breasts in his mouth, biting down on her nipple, grounding her, doubling the raw, naked firepower.
    She hadn’t come like this in years.
    Actually, she had never climaxed like this.
    “Ian, come with me,” she cried.
    He obliged instantly, tensing and releasing, flooding with his cum, all that pent-up power, as though it had been months since his last release.
    Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew there would be repercussions, things to figure out between them but for now she could only feel. Her orgasm and his too, echoed through her every sense—exquisite, ineffable twisting, sweat dripping, thighs clenching, teeth grinding, bed quaking, world shaking.
    Everything shook to its moorings. There was no stopping her now. Nikky’s first orgasm had barely faded when it was followed by a second and then a third.
    She could feel him throbbing the whole time. How was he staying hard so long?
    When at last his cock began to flag, she fell down on his chest. “I could sleep a hundred years,” she murmured.
    She heard Ian laugh. “Oh, I don’t think so. Not by a long shot,” he countered, half lover, half drill sergeant.
    Not by a long shot, indeed , Ian thought.
    “But Ian…” her voice was a sweet pout in reply to his challenge. “I don’t think I can take any more. I need a break. Please?”
    “Sorry, I’m taking charge now. We’re going to kick this up a notch. Wouldn’t want to waste all that time I spent reading, would we?”
    Nikky groaned. “Can’t you just write me a paper or something?”
    Ian laughed and kissed her on the mouth, silencing the debate with an enticing nibble of her full lower lip.
    Nikky’s sudden whimper stirred his cock, against all odds, he was erect again, almost no recovery time.
    “I would be nicer to me if I were you,” he informed her, feeling his confidence growing by the second. “You’re about to get very needy. And depending on your attitude, I may or may not give you any relief.”
    “What happened to my being a goddess?”
    “You changed up the program and so can I. For the next segment of our program, you may consider yourself my sex slave, Dominique.”
    “Give me a break.”
    Ian sat up on his knees and bent to kiss her belly. “Don’t think I didn’t fantasize about you this way in high school—powerless, dying to obey me.”
    “Do tell,” she murmured, giving in to the inevitable as he peppered her flat stomach with hot stings of his mouth.
    “Most of them would start with me being a hell of a lot stronger than I really was. I would have muscles and the balls to use them.”
    “Kind of like now.”
    “Yep. Oh damn, I was good in my imagination. Remember Chad?”
    “I would rather forget him, thank you.”
    “Well one time he had you pinned up against the lockers. He was kissing you, his hands on your waist. It was all for show, to let everybody know you were his property.”
    “I didn’t see it that way at the time, but you’re right.”
    “In my fantasy, I walked right up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He asked me what the fuck I thought I was doing and I answered him with a punch to the solar plexus. He bent over, groaning. I told him that was for treating you like a whore. He laughed and said you were one. So I lifted him by the shirt collar and gave him a stare-down, ordered him to take it back.”
    “And did he?”
    Ian chuckled, running his fingers along Nikky’s inner thighs, gradually urging her to open for him. “It was my fantasy, so hell yes, he did.”
    “My hero.” She sighed dramatically.

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