Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2)
shoot into me. He gave a final thrust and groaned with his lips against my cheek.
    I'm not sure why I cried. Tears streamed down my face but I hoped that he wouldn't notice them through the streams of water from the shower. Was I happy? Was I sad? I couldn't tell.
    We both slumped to the bottom of the shower. Our arms wrapped around each other, holding up bodies tied together while the constant pounding of the shower poured warm water over our skin.


    When we stood up again, the water was cold.
    Hunter picked me up in his arms, carrying me gently over to the bed. He took a dry towel and ran it softly over my skin. Since when were bikers this gentle?
    His touches felt like an apology. They were the words that he was too tough to say. A silent atonement. But was I the one to forgive him?
    Hunter made me sit up and dried my hair. Then he took the strands in his hands and started to braid. It was a familiar feeling. How had I managed to have my hair braided twice in such a short time?
    "You're pretty handy with the braiding," I said. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a well groomed little sister."
    Hunter's hands stopped for a second. His whole body tensed, but just for a moment. Then he started to braid again.
    "I had a sister," he said. "An older sister."
    The word "had" hung in the air. I was just about to ask Hunter what he meant when his phone rang again. He picked it up and put it on silent. Then he turned to me.
    "It's dark," he said, "if I don't get you back soon, I'm sure the whole town will be looking for you."
    "I don't care if-"
    He interrupted me with a kiss.
    "Don't worry, we'll see each other soon. Nothing's gonna happen to me."
    I wasn't so sure.


    WHAT THE FUCK IS taking Slayer so long?
    I drained the last of my beer and slammed the bottle on the table. The other empty bottles clattered. How many had I had now? Six? Eight?
    Taking him too fucking long to kill an old man.
    I held up my hand.  
    "Bartender! Two more over here!" I yelled.
    It didn't take long before some pretty thing brought the bottles. She bent over to pop off the tops, and I smacked her ass. The girl turned around and slapped me in the face, but I just smiled. It was worth it.
    I pulled out my phone and pushed in Slayer's number.
    Where the hell are you?
    Even after the two bottles were empty and rolling on the table, he didn't answer. Probably with that girl he picked up. Wasn't he the one who was always going on about how we were here on business?
    Brent was still playing darts. If I hadn't known him, I wouldn't have believed it. He looked like he could barely stand up, but every single shot was a bull's-eye. What kind of fucked up shit was that? He'd had more to drink than me .
    I pushed myself out of my chair and wandered over to Brent. I threw my arm over his shoulder.
    "Let's get outta here," I said. "I'm tired of waiting for him."
    "But what if something's up?"
    "He knows where we're staying! He's a big boy, I'm sure he can take care of himself."
    I dragged Brent over to the door.
    "But we said-"
    "Look, you know I'd kill for Slayer. I'd never leave him behind," I said. "But he's probably out getting his dick wet, and I don't see why I shouldn't do the same!"
    I pushed the bar door open and pulled us both outside. The air was cold and hit me in the face. We stumbled over to our bikes. How hard would it be to pick up some chicks in this town? All we had to do was take them on a little ride, and we'd be set.
    Why couldn't I have some fun too?
    "So are you the ones that got our Sergeant at Arms?"
    My head snapped up. There were five guys, big ones. They almost had us surrounded. Shit , I knew I was too drunk.
      I recognized the guy in the middle. He was the Treasurer, the next guy on our list. Well, well, well, looks like we didn't even have to go searching for him. He came to us .
    "And what if we are?" I said.
    The Treasurer brought his hands together in front of his chest and cracked his knuckles.
    "Then we're gonna

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