Hot Item

Read Hot Item for Free Online

Book: Read Hot Item for Free Online
Authors: Carly Phillips
Tags: Fiction, Contemporary Women
opportunity to interrupt. Sophie shot her friend a grateful look. Her timing couldn’t have been better. She had no desire to continue talking to Cambias and try to decipher his intent.
    “Cindy, I’d like you to meet Miguel Cambias. Miguel, this is Cindy James. She’s a publicist at The Hot Zone,” Sophie said.
    “I’m surprised we haven’t met before.” His eyes sparkled with definite interest.
    “I recently moved here from L.A.” A blush spread over Cindy’s freckled cheeks.
    Even to a casual observer, it was obvious the interest between these two was mutual.
    “It’s wonderful to meet a coworker of Sophia’s.” Ever the gentleman, he pulled out the chair. “Especially such a beautiful one.”
    Cindy took her seat but not before Cambias’s gaze raked over Cindy’s model like curves and curly red hair, which hung down to the middle of her back.
    From the glimmer in his dark eyes, it appeared that Miguel liked what he saw. “May I offer a word of advice?” he shifted his attention to Sophie, his eyes gleaming with hidden knowledge that made Sophie nervous.
    “Can I stop you?” she asked easily.
    He laughed. “There are people who don’t take other’s sexual orientation lightly. You should have Spencer talk to his important clients before someone else does.”
    His tone was friendly. His words were not. Sophie understood the hidden implication. Spencer’s nervous clients were up for grabs. She had to find the man and soon.
    “I appreciate the advice.” She forced a smile.
    “If I can do anything, please let me know. In case you misplaced my number—” He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card, handing it to Sophie. “And even if you didn’t, if your beautiful friend is interested in meeting for drinks, she can take the card instead.”
    He winked at Cindy before leaving and Sophie’s friend nearly swooned. Sophie had seen Miguel have this effect on women at many charity events. The Spanish accent and his Antonio Banderas looks were enough to lure any unsuspecting female into his clutches. Which Sophie supposed might not be a bad thing for a woman who wasn’t his professional competition.
    As soon as Miguel was out of earshot, Cindy leaned forward. “So? Is he one of the good guys?” Blatant curiosity shimmered on her friend’s face.
    Sophie sighed. Cambias wasn’t someone Sophie would touch with a ten-foot pole, but she had an inherent bias against the man. For all she knew, outside of business the man was a saint.
    “I honestly don’t know. But I do think he had an ulterior motive for coming here today.” She just wished she knew what it was.
    “I’ll be careful.”
    Sophie slid the business card toward Cindy, who snatched it up and placed it in her purse.
    “What do you say we double-date? That way you can try and figure out what he wants,” Cindy suggested.
    Sophie shook her head. “When it comes to Miguel Cambias, you’re on your own. Just don’t divulge any secrets,” Sophie said, laughing.
    She wasn’t worried. Cindy’s ethics were solid and she wasn’t privy to anything on the sports-agency side of the business. Besides, Sophie had other problems to deal with. “I’m going to need you to hold down the fort for a while.”
    “Where are you going to be?” Cindy asked.
    “Florida.” With Riley Nash.
    R ILEY THREW some clothes together in a duffel bag. He grabbed the shaving kit he always kept packed, since he traveled often during the season, and tossed it in as well. Then he picked up the phone.
    He wasn’t looking forward to informing his daughter he’d have to cancel their day tomorrow, but since she was in school he’d have to let his ex-wife know. Lisa would relay the message to Elizabeth about the change in plans and Riley would call her from Florida.
    Lizzie, as he’d called her since she was a baby, lived with her mother and stepfather in Scarsdale, a ritzy suburb outside of New York City. Riley had chosen an apartment in

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