
Read Hook'd for Free Online

Book: Read Hook'd for Free Online
Authors: Taisha S. Ryan
tightened at the mere thought. His gaze fell to her body. He lifted a brow at her unfitting attire. She looked like she had just stumbled in from work. Dressed in her white blouse, black knee length skirt, and her heels, he figured she had wandered into the wrong place. But even so, that didn’t stop him from admiring that luscious body of hers. From those ample breasts, slim waist and long thick legs, tantalizing his senses the more he stared. And he could only imagine twisting that body in so many different positions until she—
    A tap on his arm snapped him out of his trance.
    "You drooling, bruh," Vance joked.
    "Yo, you know that's the same chick I was fighting with at the restaurant, the other day?"
    "You mean the brown skinned shorty walking over to the bar?"
    "Her? Damn, she's a bad one," he complimented.
    She was, indeed. He took a sip of his drink, watching her as she sat by her lonesome. He wondered why she wasn't with anybody. Stuck up bitch probably didn't have any friends. Or a man.
    Definitely no man.
    He could already tell she wasn't getting any. Walking around, talking down to him like she was so high and mighty. Bitter ass. She was probably one of them strong, independent types who felt they didn't need a man.
    The thought made him grin.
    Any woman, no matter who she was, could be broken down with just the right dick. He knew that much.
    He would take care of that soon, though.
    "Aye, I'm a be back." Cam stood up.
    "Oh okay, I see you. Do ya thing, bruh," Vance teased, also getting up. "And while you go do that, I'm gonna head out."
    "Yeah, I gotta get some sleep. Gotta early meeting tomorrow."
    "Alright Gramps, don't hurt ya back on the way out." He nudged him with a grin.
    Vance pointed to him. "I'm a beat ya ass, keep playing."
    "See me in the ring then."
    "Name the time and place."
    "Anytime, man. Anytime."
    They laughed and gave each other daps. It was great hanging out with his boy again. It had been so long. Cam promised to see him again soon. After they said their goodbyes, Vance left.
    Reese sat around the bar, taking a much needed sip of her strawberry Mojito drink. After a long stressful day, she needed something to take the edge off. Just this evening, she had gotten the painful news that a woman who had once stayed at the shelter, had gone back to her abuser only to end up murdered. Stories like this truly broke her spirit. She never knew the woman personally, but it still pained her just the same. Throughout the years, she worked so hard in opening the doors for battered women, vying with every bone in her body to save as many women as she could. But times like these, only reminded her that she couldn't save everybody. She just couldn't.
    Right about now, she should've been at home curled in her bed. But even that wouldn't suffice. The sudden thought of being home alone didn't comfort her as much as it should've.
    So, here she was.
    At this point, she didn't care that she looked a worn out mess. She didn't come here to see anybody. Or have fun. She came here to keep her mind from racing. Even if that meant drowning out her sorrows with a drink, while listening to the some upbeat rap music.
    "So, you stalking me now?"
    She turned her head, only to grimace at his presence.
    "God..." She turned away.
    This couldn't be happening. Out of all places. All people to see. Had to be this asshole.
    "Damn baby, you would've thought I had a disease or something."
    "You probably do."
    "Oh, that was cold."
    She glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
    "I should be asking you that." He leaned his elbow against the bar. "Aren't you in the wrong side of town?"
    "Actually, I'm not. For your information, this is my town."
    "Oh, really now?"
    "Yes, really."
    "Where are you from?"
    "Harlem, huh. That's a surprise. I would'a pegged you as more of a valley girl..." He scoped her frame. "Actually nah, come to think of it. After the way you cussed my ass out the other

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