Honor Bound

Read Honor Bound for Free Online

Book: Read Honor Bound for Free Online
Authors: Moira Rogers
whispered against his mouth. "Thank you. I'm okay."
    "I'm not."
His teeth caught her lip for a moment, and he groaned again. "You're
hurt, and I'm not okay with that at all."
    "I'm not one of
your responsibilities, Orion." Her heart pounded. She wasn't,
that much was true. But she wanted to be. She wanted to matter that much to him.
    His thumb traced along
her jaw, soft and coaxing. "My interest in you isn't exactly
responsible. Sort of the opposite."
    Desire exploded inside
her. "You're hurt."
    "I was hurt."
    "This is
temporary." She needed to hear him say it, if only to jar her
own wayward heart back to reality. "Soon, you'll go home. I
won't be there."
    He growled against her
skin as his fingers skated down her stomach and edged under her
shirt. "If you don't want to be, you don't have to be."
    She closed her eyes and
let her head drop back. "I don't want to be there."
    His tongue dragged
across the fluttering pulse in her throat, and he chuckled. "Liar."
    Amaia pulled out of his
arms and rose. She watched his face as she shed her clothing. She
stood naked in the lamplight for a moment before climbing onto his
lap to grind her body against his. "Do you really think I'm
lying, or do you just want me to be?"
    "Do you want me to
pretend I can't tell?" His hand worked between them, brushing
against her as he worked at the fastening of his jeans. "You can
lie all you want, Amaia. I'll pretend to believe you. It doesn't mean
you don't want me. Don't want this ."
    When he'd opened his
pants, she traced the hard length of his cock with her fingertips. If
the feelings welling inside her were as simple as plain lust, she
wouldn't think twice about it. She bent her mouth to his ear and
sighed. "I want this. You."
    "So take me."
His hands gripped her hips, but he let her take the lead. "Take
me, Amaia."
    She shifted her body
over his, sucking in a sharp breath when he filled her. She wanted to
move, to ride him into oblivion, but stayed still instead. Her mouth
brushed his and retreated. "Do you want me there? With you?"
    "Yes." He
growled and seized her mouth, his lips crushing against hers as his
tongue demanded entrance, demanded everything.
    His tongue slid over
hers, the mating of their mouths reminiscent of the way they rocked
together. Amaia cried out as pleasure took her, and the world—and
the danger that lay ahead—faded. All that was left was Orion,
his hands and teeth on her skin, and his body deep inside hers.
    He bit her chin when he
came, his groan shaking through her as his fingers clenched on her
hips and dragged her down into one last thrust. He whispered
something that might have been her name, but it was hard to tell with
the blood pounding in her ears.
    She dropped her face to
his neck and panted. Belatedly, she realized she'd drawn no energy
from him. The pull hadn't come, even when she lost herself in
sensation. "Nothing happened."
    It took him a few
seconds to reply, and even then his voice sounded unsteady. "Nothing
happened last time, either."
    "But..." She
didn't know how to explain it to him. The hunger was always present,
if only in the background, and the need increased during sex until it
took over. Rigid control and conscious exertion were required to
prevent the transfer of sexual energy during orgasm. The only time
the connections didn't open automatically was when a bond had been
forged between mates.
    But that wasn't
    Troubled, she lifted a
hand to a sore spot on her neck. "Your Alpha talked about you
biting me."
    "Mmm." His
fingers stroked down her hair. "People see it as ownership. It's
a mark. It made you mine, as far as he was concerned."
    And what about as
far as you're concerned? Amaia closed her eyes, unsure if she was ready to deal with the
answer to that question, no matter what it happened to be. Instead
she changed the subject. "You said you needed food, but you
should rest. I can find something."
    "We should both
eat. And both rest." He eased her away and rose to his

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