Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three

Read Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three for Free Online

Book: Read Hockey Is My Boyfriend: Part Three for Free Online
Authors: Melanie Ting
guy and a great friend. This past season, I had lived in his house, and it was great to have someone to show me the ropes during my rookie year.
    “Hey, Freeze. How ya doing?”
    “I’m good. You?”
    “Good, good. I wanted to check—any chance you’re going to make it to my golf tournament this Friday?”
    Why was he asking me again? “Sorry, Baller. If you were closer, maybe, but it’s on the other side of the country. I’m jam-packed between training, family stuff, and the new condo.” I felt kind of bad; he had done so much for me, and it was for a good cause. I think Baller had an uncle who had a liver transplant.
    “No worries. Hey, I went for a radio interview today, and I met a girl.”
    Oh boy. Baller was always meeting new girls. He would think it was love, but then the problems would crop up. Like she was engaged, or psycho, or dumb. I didn’t really want to get into this, so I kinda grunted in reply.
    “Aren’t you going to ask me about her?” Baller wondered. “I think you’ll be interested.”
    “Why would I be interested in your latest girl?”
    “She’s just your type: a yummy little brunette.”
    “That’s my type? Haven’t you noticed—I usually date tall blondes?”
    “Actually, I have noticed that, but I have a theory about your preference for blonde airheads.”
    “Awww, Baller, let’s not—”
    He cut me off. “I think you date girls who you would never want to get serious about. Girls you’re not really into. Like the opposite of what you would really want.”
    “Thank you, Freud. That’s such a crock. I date girls who are hot.”
    “So, last chance. Do you want to hear about this girl?”
    “No. Look, I’m kinda tired, it’s four hours earlier here, you know.”
    “Okay, your loss. For some reason, I thought you were into Vancouver women. But maybe I’ve got that wrong.”
    Wait. A vague idea was forming in my brain. “Who was she?”
    “Don’t want to hold up your beauty sleep. I better get going anyway. I’m meeting friends for dinner.”
    “Jeez, Baller, who did you meet?”
    His voice was sing-songy, like a little girl’s. “I met Kelly.”
    “You met Kelly! How did you know it was her?”
    “Oh, I think the shrine you had in your room was my first clue.”
    “It’s not a shrine. Crap, you didn’t tell her about the photos, did you? How did she look? How was she?”
    “She looked good, really good. I can see why you’re so into her. But I didn’t really talk to her long. She’s the receptionist at this sports radio station.”
    Was that what she was doing now? It didn’t seem like a very good job for a university graduate. She had asked me to stop calling and then promised to call when she got her life straightened out. She said she needed time to sort out her priorities and her career. I didn’t think that being a receptionist was a dream career.
    Man, I wished I could have run into her by accident. What if I had been the one who walked in for an interview? That would have been so sweet.
    Baller interrupted my fantasies. “It was weird meeting her, after hearing you talk about her so much.”
    “What are you talking about? I never talk about her.”
    “C’mon. Every time you talk about your ideal girl, this hypothetical perfect woman, it’s her. She has to know about hockey, a great sense of humour, athletic, she doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, blah, blah, blah. I’ve known it was her for ages, even if you don’t say it’s Kelly.”
    Shoot. I thought I had hidden my feelings for her pretty well. I had gone out enough in the meantime. “I wish I could have seen her.”
    “Yeah, I know. You are going to owe me huge.”
    “I am?”
    “Get your ass out to B.C. I’ve got her lined up to be in your foursome in the tournament.”
    “No way. How did you manage that?”
    “Haven’t you learned this yet? Being an NHL player means you can ask for whatever you want. All they can say is no.”
    “Does she know I’m going to be

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