Hit Squad

Read Hit Squad for Free Online

Book: Read Hit Squad for Free Online
Authors: Sophie McKenzie
Dylan, handcuffs dangling from their hands.
    Nico jumped back, still twisting his hands, desperately trying to make his telekinesis work. But it was no good. The Medutox had completely taken our powers away.
    I sucked in my breath. This had all been a trap. Knife Man and Broken Nose had been working for Jack all along.
    ‘How did you find us?’ Nico asked as Broken Nose clamped his wrists with handcuffs.
    ‘Technically you found us ,’ Jack said. ‘Thanks to the stories you read about telekinesis in the area.’
    ‘You mean those were made up?’ Ed said, his face paling.
    ‘No, the stories were true.’
    ‘So someone really was performing telekinesis?’ Nico demanded.
    ‘So Medusix works?’ Dylan asked.
    ‘But you said it just made adults unconscious for a few minutes,’ Ed added.
    ‘Did you give the Medusix to children? Did it work on them?’ I asked.
    Jack batted away our questions with his hand. ‘None of that matters right now.’ He smiled at me. ‘Anyway, once we knew you were coming, we relied on Ketty to do the
    I looked at the dusty wooden floor. How humiliating. All my efforts to have a vision. And they’d just led us all into this trap.
    ‘It’s all worked out very well.’ Jack grinned. ‘I wasn’t sure if the Medutox would work unless we got you in an airtight space.’ His grin deepened.
‘Wonderful stuff, Medutox.’
    I looked over at Tania again. She was blushing, her expression a mix of pride that she’d played her part in trapping us and embarrassment that she’d tricked us. And there was
something else too – a look of concern. What was that about?
    ‘You did good, Tania.’ Jack chuckled. ‘Come on, we’re going back to the castle.’
    ‘How is Bradley?’ Tania asked.
    ‘Who?’ I said.
    Tania threw a glance in my direction. ‘He takes the Medusix first. My turn next, but he is not well.’
    ‘We can talk about that later,’ Jack said. ‘There’s been a set-back.’
    ‘What set-back?’ Tania asked.
    But Jack paid her no attention. He gave a signal and Knife Man strode over to me, drew a set of handcuffs from his pocket and fastened them around my wrists.
    For the second time in less than an hour, I was a prisoner.

7: An Old Acquaintance
    Jack bundled us into the back of a van that was parked outside the church. He locked the door. As soon as the van set off, everyone turned on Tania.
    ‘What do you know about Medusix?’
    ‘Who told you?’
    ‘How did you find out?’
    Cal, Nico and Dylan all spoke at once. The girl’s eyes widened. She looked terrified.
    ‘Okay, back off, everyone,’ I insisted. Sometimes the others – especially Nico and Dylan – didn’t realise how overwhelming they could be. And Tania, whatever part
she’d played in trapping us, was still only a kid.
    Dylan rolled her eyes, but all three of them quietened down. I turned back to Tania. ‘Please don’t be scared.’ I spoke slowly and with a smile. ‘We just want some
    The girl nodded. ‘Mr Jack came to me. Said he would make me special.’
    I glanced at the others. This was a familiar story. Jack had introduced himself to all of us in much the same way, promising us the world if we would let him help us develop our Medusa gene
    ‘My name is Ketty,’ I said. I introduced the others.
    ‘Did Jack . . . Mr Jack . . . give you special pills or . . . or a . . .’
    ‘Medusix,’ Tania said. ‘But not Mr Jack. Another man. He bring a drink of Medusix. But only Bradley drinking it so far.’
    Cal let out a low whistle. ‘So you haven’t been given Medusix yet?’ he said.
    ‘No.’ Tania’s face scrunched into a worried frown. ‘Only Bradley drink. Then he sick. Very sick.’
    ‘That’s because Mr Jack is a bad man,’ I said. ‘So is this other man.’
    ‘You think?’ Dylan snapped sarcastically.
    ‘No.’ Tania shook her head. ‘It will all be good.’
    ‘No, it won’t,’ I said. ‘You can’t trust Jack.’
    Tania stared at

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