His Obsession

Read His Obsession for Free Online

Book: Read His Obsession for Free Online
Authors: Ann B. Keller
Tags: Romance, Historical, England, Danger, Victorian, Intrigue, obsess
an imposing mountain
of fabric.
    Dorothea wore a gown of pale yellow silk, the
bodice of which was so sheer, one could almost see her chemise
beneath. Kate was amazed that their mother hadn’t forbid Dorothea
from wearing the dress entirely. Kate herself was scandalized just
looking at her sibling.
    Turning her head away from the fashion drama
occurring inside the Overton coach, Kate cast her eyes toward the
landscape outside the window. The conversation dulled to a monotone
as Kate concentrated her thoughts on the afternoon to come.
    Although Kate tried not to be excited about
seeing the Favershams and the Earl of Devonshire again, she
couldn’t help it. Winifred Faversham was very kind and Kate liked
her a lot. Her husband doted on the woman like a love sick school
boy and their affection for each other was quite endearing.
    As for Richard Warwick, Kate decided it might
be best for both of them if she pretended to be indifferent.
Although a part of her quietly wondered whether the earl might
approve of her russet serge gown, the other half of her was
entirely too practical to encourage the man’s favor. The earl was a
rich and powerful man. What use could he possibly have for a poor
country mouse like her?
    All too soon, the coach turned into the
Favershams’ drive. Lord Faversham stood in the middle of the crush
of people before his opulent home, orchestrating the afternoon’s
activities. Before their coach could roll to a complete stop, Edgar
Overton had bounded from the coach. Swiftly, he crossed to his host
and eagerly shook Lord Faversham’s hand.
    “Capital day, don’t you think, Herbert?’
Edgar exclaimed with a grin. “Simple capital.”
    Herbert nodded and smiled at his new guest.
“The weather is with us. I believe you know Lord Winslow and
Viscount Marbury? And, of course, here is the Earl of
    Edgar bowed politely to the other men, then
turned to assist his wife and daughters. Once on the ground,
Penelope quickly singled out Lady Faversham and stood with her on
the gravel drive. Kate’s sisters clustered around the gentlemen,
flirting and blushing furiously at every word they said.
    Kate came last, gingerly stepping from the
old coach their family still used. A tug on her dress stopped her
descent, however, and Kate peered down at the hem of her dress. The
edge of the gown was caught on a nail just inside the coach door.
Kate tugged a little at her skirt, attempting to extricate herself
from her predicament, but the fabric remained firmly anchored in
    “Katherine?” Lady Faversham asked, noting her
distress. “What is it, dear?”
    “My skirt is caught and I can’t seem to free
it,” Kate replied.
    Lady Faversham quickly stepped forward to
lend her assistance, but no matter how she tried to free her guest,
Kate remained ensnared in the old vehicle.
    “Richard?” Lady Faversham called. “Could you
please help us a moment?”
    Kate’s eyes widened in alarm. “Really,
there’s no need.”
    Unfortunately, Richard Warwick was a man of
action and quickly crossed the distance to stand at the side of the
coach steps. Briefly, Richard’s dark eyes swept over Kate before he
politely bowed to Lady Faversham.
    “My lady?” Richard asked.
    “It seems that Lady Overton has become
entangled somehow,” Lady Faversham explained. “Can you free her?
I’m afraid I simply cannot manage it.”
    Richard changed places with the older woman,
curling his arm around Kate’s waist to steady her as he peered into
the conveyance. From Kate’s vantage point, Richard’s shoulders
seemed impossibly huge. Kate braced one hand on his broad shoulder,
but she was in little danger of falling. Richard’s arm simply
tightened about Kate as he gave a final tug and the material split
into two. Richard then assisted Kate to the ground.
    “Oh! Well done, Richard!” Lady Faversham
cried in delight. “Here you are, Kate, safe and sound at last.”
    “I’m sorry about your gown, my lady,”

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