His Five Night Stand

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Book: Read His Five Night Stand for Free Online
Authors: Emma Thorne
Tags: Erotic Romance
body sweaty, and my legs strong and pulsing with energy.
    “Yes please, oh god, yes,” Odessa said, her voice moving higher and higher, my breathing moving with her. The energy building inside of me and spilling over in ripples and shakes as Odessa shrieked with pleasure. I leaned against the wall; my whole body shaking as an orgasm rocked through my body.
    “Holy shit,” I whispered as my legs buckled and the waves moved through me.
    What was Theo doing to both of us? I sunk to the ground, spent. I felt wet, my nipples tingling, and body shaking. I knew I should feel ashamed, but I wanted it. I wanted to feel like her.
    I felt like The Holiday was opening up doors in my mind and body that I had never even known existed. Was it wrong to unlock these feelings inside myself? I had just come while eavesdropping on the couple next door. It was like I’d somehow linked with the sexual energy, their pleasure reaching through the wall and straight between my legs.
    In the silence I pulled myself to my feet, legs unsteady; I slipped back into bed, my cheeks burning again with shame but also something else that I couldn’t express. It was more than pleasure . . . it was knowledge. I felt ashamed that I’d invaded Odessa and Theo’s bedroom. I had no right to intrude, but I laid still and wished they would start again. As if feeling my need, the knocking began again against the wall, slower this time, languid, sensual.
    I felt my body respond, growing wet and tense.
    The moaning was lower and deeper and I realized that it was Theo this time. He was moaning and she was silent. I imagined that beautiful man stretched out on the bed, his light blue eyes locked on Odessa.
    I heard a woman’s voice murmuring. It was quiet, but strong and steady. It lacked the animalistic frenzy of before, but it was hot, controlled. Odessa was commanding him, making him hers. His groans came almost in response.
    What was she asking of him? I sat up in bed, I could barely breathe. My legs so weak I didn’t even move to the wall this time. I could hear them from my bed. My nightgown thin against my hardening nipples. I tried to resist but I couldn’t. I closed my eyes, my fingers sliding down my body against my aching pussy. I touched myself as I tried to imagine what was happening behind their closed door.
    I imagined Odessa on top of Theo. His chest glistening with sweat, his cock red and throbbing, craving her wetness. I imagined her teasing him with her tongue then straddling him, and riding him with her wet pussy up and down, pulling him closer and deeper. She would make him hers. He would grow bigger with every stroke. A throbbing heat radiating against the sides of her tightening walls, muscles clenching she would hold him tight, slowly and evenly pulling him deeper inside her than they’d ever gone before.
    Their voices quickened, and she joined him moaning as the banging increased. I imagined him driving into her harder and faster until he couldn’t take another minute and then he grabbed her backside driving deeper one last time. Her breasts bouncing above him, he’d arch his back and grab her tits as he finally exploded.
    Odessa and Theo groaned together, the walls shaking as they climaxed.
    I swallowed a moan as my back arched and I came again.
    I lay still breathing wondering if they had heard me? Did they know they had reached through the wall and touched me? I felt like an addict. I needed this. I told myself it was the last time, but I knew I was lying.
    I would listen and come again with them a thousand times if I could.

    The next morning, I made a run to a thrift store and got a small table, a green rug, and an unfinished bookshelf for my little apartment. I draped a pale green scarf over the table and found some shimmery white curtains that I hung in front of the windows. With the futon and cozy area rug, my apartment was feeling a little less pitiful and trending towards shabby chic.
    I went for a run and took a shower that

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