Hero Book 3 - The Battle: Military Romance

Read Hero Book 3 - The Battle: Military Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Hero Book 3 - The Battle: Military Romance for Free Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
slipped out, but I didn't try to take it back. “Hold still. I have to cut you free and I don't want to do any more damage.”
    I pulled my pocket knife out and cut through the ropes, barely taking the time to put the knife back before I pulled her into my arms, trying to be as gentle as possible.
    “I've got you, baby. I'm here. You're safe,” I said as I cradled her in my arms. I didn't care what the future had in store. I wasn't letting her go.

Chapter 5
    As I lowered her into the passenger's seat, her head lolled to the side. I eased the door closed, not wanting to wake her if she was sleeping. When I climbed into the driver's seat, however, I realized she was already awake.
    “No hospital.”
    I didn't look at her as I started the car. “You're hurt. I'm taking you straight to the ER.”
    “No.” Her voice was firmer than I would've thought possible. “Just like the first time we met, you're going to take care of me instead of taking me to the hospital.”
    My mind jumped back that the first night, relieved to have a happier memory to replace the image of her bruised and battered face. She might have conned me then, that beautiful girl who'd needed someone to keep an eye on her concussion. She'd seduced me in my own hotel room. Not that I hadn't been more than willing.
    “Not this time, sweetheart,” I said. “You need a doctor.”
    “No hospital,” she insisted. “Paparazzi, remember?”
    My throat constricted as I remembered how the photographers and entertainment anchors had swarmed her any time she was spotted. Even if I got her inside the hospital safely, there was no telling how fast word would get out and what disgusting tactics the paparazzi would use to invade her room, hinder her healing.
    “Your grandfather will have to hire a private army,” I said. “This isn't a simple concussion I can just keep an eye on. We need to make sure you don't have any broken bones and you'll probably need stitches on your head.”
    “Doc Bellamy,” Leighton said. “Lives close to Grandfather. Does house calls for the family when we don't want the media attention. Has an office in his house too, including an x-ray machine.”
    “I'll need your grandfather's okay.” I glanced at her, expecting an argument.
    Except she wasn't looking at me. She'd passed out. Panic surged in my chest, but I forced my breath to stay steady as I drove and hit Devlin on speed dial.
    “Hey, I'm following a lead, but I need to talk to a doctor for it,” I lied smoothly.
    “A doctor? What aren't you telling me?” Devlin's voice was sharp.
    “Just give me a doctor you know, a name.” I crossed my fingers that he wouldn't ask for details. I could make up something about thinking Leighton had been drugged and that I needed to talk to a doctor about that, but it'd be better if he just answered my question.
    “Dr. Bellamy. He's been my family's doctor for years. Up the hill two miles from the house, a big Spanish revival.” Devlin's voice hardened. “You're not fooling me, Haze, and if you don't want me at the Doc's in ten minutes, then you better tell me what is going on.”
    I knew that tone.
    “I found her,” I said it all fast. “She's fine but I want to get her checked out for legal purposes–”
    “Lie all you want, Doc will tell me everything,” Devlin said. “And if you don't bring her directly here afterwards I will–”
    “Thank me for saving her?” I muttered.
    “Just shut up and get our girl home in one piece,” he said.
    I hung up the phone and, less than ten minutes later, wasn't surprised when Dr. Bellamy met me in front of his large Spanish revival mansion. He was already rolling up the sleeves of a crisp white shirt, and I realized for the rest of the world it was lunch time on a Tuesday.
    “Sorry to interrupt your lunch break, Doc,” I said as I opened my door. “I'm guessing Devlin called?”
    The doctor nodded. “How is she?”
    He asked the question even as he opened the door

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