Her Teen Dream
the territory for teenage girls who just wanted to
have some fun.
    “I’m not sure I like the idea of your going
to some boy’s house that your father and I have never even met,”
her mother said stiffly.
    Karin sighed. “It’s just a party, Momma.
Plenty of other kids will be there.”
    “That’s what I’m afraid of. Too many kids can
equal trouble. Just like what happened recently with your friend’s
    “It won’t be like that, Momma,” she tried to
say convincingly. “Reese’s parents will be there making sure things
don’t get out of hand.” Actually, Karin had no knowledge of that,
but it sounded good anyway.
    Her mother seemed reasonably content with
that explanation. “I’ll expect you home by eleven.”
    “Okay.” Karin wanted to argue for midnight,
but knew she might be pressing her luck. “Can we go now?”
    “Go.” Josephine smiled softly. “Just be
careful...both of you.”
    “We will, Mrs. Blanch,” Lesley said
    Outside, Karin muttered, “Geez, I thought
she’d never let us out of the house.”
    “But she did. Now, let the partying begin,”
Lesley said as she got behind the wheel.
    “I can hardly wait!” Karin grinned as
butterflies started to swim in her stomach like baby sharks.
    * * *
    Reese’s family lived in a Mediterranean-style
home. The music was blaring as Karin and Lesley made their way past
cars to the front door. Reese opened it, as if expecting them at
that very moment.
    “Hey, Karin,” he said with a big grin. “Glad
you could make it.”
    “So am I.” She quickly sized him up. He was
wearing a gray shirt and jeans. A silver cuff was attached to his
right ear. He smelled nice. “This is my friend, Lesley.”
    “Hey, Lesley. I know I’ve seen you around at
    “I’ve definitely seen you,” she said,
    He laughed. “C’mon in and let me show you
    The party was in full swing and seemed to
occupy much of the house, spilling out onto a patio courtyard.
Karin recognized most of the people from school. Just about
everyone had a drink in hand and some were smoking cigarettes. She
was pretty sure she detected the faint odor of marijuana.
    “Do you want something to drink?” Reese
looked at both girls.
    Karin hesitated, but when Lesley said,
“Sure,” she went along as well.
    “Are your parents here?” Karin asked
curiously, noting she had seen no sign of adult supervision.
    “They’re out of town,” Reese said
nonchalantly. “Another one of those conventions my old man has to
go to every so often and drag my mother along. Make yourselves at
home. Be right back.”
    Karin and Lesley stood in the middle of a
crowded Great Room and looked totally lost.
    “What do we do now?” Karin asked, fearing
that they may have gotten in over their heads as outsiders trying
to become insiders.
    “We circulate and hope we don’t make complete
fools out of ourselves,” Lesley said.
    “Easier said than done.” Karin spotted
Marilyn Chamberlain, who waved at her as if flagging a cab. She
waved back and suppressed a smile.
    “Well, look who’s here...” Cheryl Green
walked up to them with Amy Flaunders, a fellow cheerleader. “Two
little fish out of water.”
    Karin sneered. “And you think you belong here?” Not anymore, you don’t.
    “More than you ever will,” Cheryl said
    “That’s right,” Amy agreed like a robot with
blue eyes and bottle red hair.
    “You’re both full of it,” Lesley said
snidely. “Leave us alone.”
    Cheryl got up in her face. “Or what?”
    She backed off just as Reese returned with
Marcus. Cheryl’s scowl was replaced by a saccharine smile.
    “Hi, Reese...Marcus,” she cooed. Glancing at
Karin, Cheryl said threateningly, “See you around.”
    She walked away, followed by Amy.
    “What was that all about?” Reese asked.
    “Oh, they were just making us feel right at
home,” quipped Karin, rolling her eyes.
    Karin wasn’t sure Reese understood. Or maybe

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