Her Cowboy's Caress (Taken by Cowboys: Part 1) A Billionaire Western Romance
smaller. “I like saying your
name,” he whispered. He wrapped his arms around her waist again and
before she knew what was happening, his full lips were on hers. He
kissed her with a slow, languorous passion that sent her head
spinning all over again.
    The only other thing she was conscious of
was the awareness that the thing inside her had fully awakened from
a deep sleep. That thing was desire. For so long, she hadn’t felt
desired by, or desire for, anyone at all. Now it was here, raging,
screaming… She realized that she was kissing him back with
intensity, urging him to speed up his tongue’s torturous caresses.
She needed him urgently, needed to take him in and be taken in by
him totally and completely.
    Just as suddenly, his lips were no longer on
hers and his hands were no longer hungrily caressing her body. She
breathed in sharply, the air around now as cold and empty as outer
    “I’m—I’m sorry, Jess,” he said, his voice
fraught with confusion. He ran a hand through her hair, sending a
shiver down her spine as his fingers scraped deliciously against
her scalp. “I don’t know what got into me just there. Please
forgive me.”
    For a moment she was too stunned for any
conscious thought to enter her mind, her knees still quivering—just
like in her dream. Then she wanted to yell. Forgive you? FORGIVE you? For giving me the most body-melting
kiss of my life and then taking it away, you cruel bastard?
    Her heavy breathing finally slowed. “That’s
okay,” she managed.
    There was a brief silence as they stood a
few feet away from each other, the charge of their kiss still
hanging between them. Jess tried to get through her mind what had
just happened. Her now-awakened desire was throwing itself at his
feet, banging its fists and kicking it feet.
    “Let me walk you to your cabin,” he said
finally. “Everyone’s cleared out, and it’s pretty dark. I wouldn’t
want you to get lost.”
    It was only then that she noticed that the
din of voices had stopped. She turned to the campsite. Everyone was
gone, and where the roaring fire had been only a few red embers
    They started to walk. Neither spoke. Jess’s
mind was racing, but it didn’t seem to have any real destination,
like an unbroken horse galloping around a field. She glanced at
Spencer. His handsome face, mostly invisible, also appeared to be
deep in thought.
    They reached her cabin and he put his arm
around her, pulling her towards him. She felt the rush of heat and,
with it, need. “I’m very attracted to you,” he said softly. “I
think that’s plain.”
    Her heart beat wildly. Could it really be
true—could this unnaturally attractive man really be attracted to
her? “Really?” she squeaked.
    He laughed a low laugh. “Yes, Jess. Very .” He paused, weighing his words. “But I know you didn’t
come here to have some guy hit on you. Not to mention, it certainly
wouldn’t be proper, considering my role here.”
    His words gave her pause. Of course he was
right, on both counts. Still, though, couldn’t this just be some
act that he pulled on all the women who showed up at
Getaway—seducing them at the campfire and then trying to pull the
nice guy act?
    Part of her felt the stirrings of doubt, the
other half of her wanted nothing more than to pull Spencer close to
her and kiss him with as much unbridled passion as she had in her,
to let out all desire that had been steadily mounting over the past
    Just as she was about to make her move, he
brought his lips to hers so briefly and lightly that it could
barely be described as a kiss. “Goodnight,” he said, and with that,
he was gone.
    She stood for a moment alone in the dark,
the sound of cicadas buzzing in her ears. In a daze, she went to
her door, unlocked it, and entered the cabin. She was too tired to
hunt for her pajamas. Instead she stripped off her sweater, jeans,
and top, climbed into bed in her bra and underwear, and fell into a
deep and troubled

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