Heart of Stone

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Book: Read Heart of Stone for Free Online
Authors: Aislinn Kerry
the night. But the rest of her couldn't stand to go to him looking anything less than her best. She settled for a compromise. She applied a light layer of make-up and donned a slinky dress that enhanced her best attributes and, conveniently enough, would also be a snap for her to get out of. She took a final look at herself in the mirror, squinting against the reflection of the dying light, and finally deemed herself ready to leave. She spun toward the door, and quickly rocked back on her heels, startled. Amber stood in the doorway, one arm braced against the jamb, a small pout turning down the edges of her mouth.
    "What kind of Halloween costume is that?" she demanded.
    Kestrel blinked at her. "I'm sorry?"
    "Look at you." Amber waved a hand to indicate the entirety of Kestrel's body. "Kate told you that this was a costume party, didn't she?"
    "Er, yes." A blush heated Kestrel’s cheeks. "Look, Amber, I'm not—“
    "Oh, whatever." Amber grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hallway. "We can say you're a lady of the night, or something. You know, a courtesan?" She peered over her shoulder at Kestrel, surveying her critically. "I think they'll buy it. Come on, we'll be late!"
    "Amber, wait." Kestrel dug her heels in at the front door. "I'm not going to the party."
    Amber turned back to her with a bewildered look. "Of course you are. We're all going."
    "Not me." Kestrel stepped backward toward the house.
    From behind her, a pair of hands settled on her shoulders and pushed her forward. "Of course you are," Dan said firmly.
    "Damn it, Kes," Amber said. "For two years in a row now, you've ditched us on Halloween. I don't see what could be so much more important than your friends." She opened the car door, and Dan gave Kestrel a small shove inside. Amber glared at her stubbornly. "You're not ditching us again."
    They manhandled her into the car, while Kestrel struggled, swore, and lashed out with elbows, knees, and heels, digging them into whatever she could manage. They evaded her attacks and stuck her in the middle of the back seat, flanked by Eva on one side and Brad on the other.
    "Honestly, what's your problem?" Amber demanded, frowning at Kestrel over the back of her seat. "You used to like going to these parties with us."
    Kestrel opened her mouth to respond, but snapped it shut without saying anything. Even if she tried to explain about Damaris, they'd never believe her. "Forget it," she muttered.
    "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" Eva squealed and bounced in her seat. "What are you dressed up as, Kes?"
    Kestrel sank low in the seat, glowering through the windshield and resisting the urge to wring Eva's perky little neck.
    They drove for what seemed like ages, and Kestrel's mood only grew bleaker and more desperate. Each mile that passed beneath their tires was another mile further from Damaris. Each minute that slid by on the clock was another minute closer to midnight, another minute closer to dawn.
    Dan eased the car to a stop behind a line of other cars. Kestrel saw her chance and took it. She threw her seat belt off and lunged across Eva's lap, ignoring the other girl's yelp. She threw the car door open and dashed across the street to the bus stop at the corner. Once she'd reached it, she clung to the pole as though it offered her salvation and watched the uproar her escape had caused in the car. Eva stared through the rear window at her in shock, and Dan's face twisted with anger, but to Kestrel's intense relief, they continued forward at the green light and disappeared down the street. She dropped onto the bus stop bench with a lengthy sigh.
    More minutes passed by, and Kestrel watched every one of them disappear while the hands of her watch circled around the face. At last, a long bus approached from down the street and came to a noisy stop in front of her. She leapt to her feet and took the steps into the bus's interior at a run.
    "Are you going to Galesburg?" she demanded, clinging to the

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