Harvest Hunting

Read Harvest Hunting for Free Online

Book: Read Harvest Hunting for Free Online
Authors: Yasmine Galenorn
the past couple of years. But we’re all around sixty-some Earthside years old.
    When we were fairly young, Mother died. She fell from a horse. Camille took over and tried to fill her shoes, a daunting task for any young girl. And around thirteen years ago, ES time, Menolly was transformed into a vampire. But we always were sure of our father. Until this past month, he was a rock, and we were certain of his support. Now, things are changing, the Wheel is turning, and nothing is what it seems anymore.
    And we’ve run out of time to adjust. The cards have been dealt, and we’re in a life-and-death tournament from which there’s no exit.
    Menolly sat back, staring at Luke. “We’ll do everything we can to find her. And if her fucking jerk of a husband is after her, we’ll make certain he doesn’t try it again.” Abusive men didn’t last long around her, often becoming her dinner. She fed on the lowlifes and violent criminals of the world.
    Luke gave her a thin smile. “Thanks, boss. I don’t want to seem like an overprotective brother, but the fact is that Amber’s never been in a big city before, and I can’t help but be worried.”
    Menolly leaned forward, the ivory beads in her cornrows clicking. Her hair was the color of burnished copper, and she was as petite as I was tall.
    “Luke, can I ask you something?”
    “Sure, what?”
    “Why didn’t the Pack do something about her husband, if he was abusing her?” Menolly frowned, tapping her nails on the arm of the chair.
    He sighed. “That was one of the reasons I left. Well, actually, I was excommunicated. I don’t talk about it much. The males of the Zone Red Pack are extreme alphas—in a bad way. I couldn’t take it.”
    “What happened?” I asked, suddenly thinking that there was a whole lot more depth to Luke than I’d assumed.
    “I was in love with a girl—Marla. We wanted to get married, but the Packmaster gave her to someone who beat the crap out of her and passed her around to his buddies. I tried to sneak out, take her with me, and they caught us. There was a big fight . . . it was a bad scene. She’s dead now, and I’m a pariah. I can never go back. I defied the law of the Packmaster.”
    Neither Menolly nor I said a word, just waited. His eyes echoed the pain in his voice, and I felt like I’d overstepped my boundaries.
    He pushed himself to his feet. “I gave Delilah all the information about Amber that I could think of. Tomorrow I’ll bring the skunk scent remover to the bar. Delilah, you can pick it up there.”
    He nodded, again tapping his hat, and I flushed, looking at him. It had been over a month since I’d had sex, and he was lean, lanky, and all male. But he didn’t even blink an eye my way, and truthfully, I was relieved. I was so confused over Chase. And Zach, the werepuma I’d slept with twice and who had saved Chase’s life, was taking far longer to heal up from his injuries than anybody had first thought. Last time I’d gone to visit him at the rehabilitation center where he was staying, he’d refused to see me, and we hadn’t spoken in over a month, even though I’d tried calling every week.
    Menolly saw Luke out while I sorted through the notes. When she came back, I looked up, and she smiled softly at me. Her eyes had once been a gorgeous blue, but the further she sank into her new life as a vampire, the grayer they became and now—now they were almost silver.
    “You’re horny, aren’t you?” She let out a sigh. “That’s the trouble with getting involved with somebody. You begin to need them . . . and then . . .” With a glance over at Nerissa, she shrugged. “And then you can’t imagine them not being in your life.”
    It was then I noticed a gold band on her right index finger. I pointed to it. “That’s new. Just when and where did you get it?” I held her gaze, and she narrowed her eyes and gave a little huff. If she was voluntarily breathing, I knew I’d gotten under her skin. Go,

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