Hannah & the Dom Next Door

Read Hannah & the Dom Next Door for Free Online

Book: Read Hannah & the Dom Next Door for Free Online
Authors: BJ Wane
Tags: Romance, BDSM, Erotic Fiction
confused about her attraction, unsure what to do about it, a reaction he was not used to from women. And, fuck if that insecurity didn’t turn him on; make him want to show her, slowly and with great detail, what to do when you lusted after someone. And lust was exactly what he saw on her face when she eyed his chest, hell, even when she looked at his bare feet her whole body practically vibrated with need. He doubted if she even knew her eyes were drenched with longing when she looked at him. Maybe her naivety was due to marrying young, having experienced sex with only one person, and Caleb, if Mitch wasn’t mistaken, had been as much a virgin as Hannah. One would think that, after ten years of marriage, the two of them had experimented and explored all sexual possibilities, then again, given their deep faith, maybe not.
    As much as he would like to show Hannah all the delights he suspected she has been missing out on, there was no way the little prude was going to set aside a lifetime of strict moral virtues for a fling, and Mitch had to respect that about her and keep his distance. There was no way a woman who used words like courtship and made sure her hair was tucked neatly back into her braid before coming to visit would do anything but fantasize about sex with a virtual stranger, besides, the first time he swatted her ass or pinned her beneath him, he’d probably traumatize her for life. Eventually, she will find a nice accountant who will make love to her nicely, like she wants, but in the meantime, he would be her friend if she needed him to.
    But, by the time he pulled into Casey’s parking lot beside the McGilley’s vehicles, the images of Hannah with some nameless, faceless, boring , dick wad had put him in an irritable mood and hadn’t done anything to relieve his hard-on.
    “Hell, fuck it,” he muttered as he leaned back and carefully lowered his zipper over his straining erection. When his cock sprang free, he breathed a sigh of relief and when he wrapped his hand around his girth, he moaned lowly at the instant, searing relief. He was not, he swore, going to be led around by his dick, no matter how much his body wanted to sink between her soft thighs. She was not his type, he repeated each time he stroked his cock, over and over until the words blurred along with his vision. Palming his crown, he let his pre-come dampen his hand then moved back down, tightening his fist almost painfully around his shaft. Pinpoints of light dotted behind his eyelids as pleasure swept up from his balls and spewed from his head. God, when was the last time he got off from only a few swipes of his hand around his cock? He continued to stroke himself through the tremors, big and small, fondled his balls which caused another burst of semen to ejaculate, another sweep of pleasure through his groin that had him gritting his teeth to keep from shouting. Not that anyone would hear out here.
    Grabbing some tissues from the glove compartment, he cleaned himself up, feeling like a fucking teenager who couldn’t go a day without jacking off. Hell, he’d just had sex, very satisfying sex, last night and he was way past the age where he couldn’t go without sex for more than a day or two.
    Stepping out of his truck, he adjusted his jeans thinking he could blame Hannah for driving him bat shit crazy by hiding that tempting body behind those frumpy clothes and looking at him out of those unusual striking eyes as if she was starving but had forgotten what to do about it, a fucking red flag if there ever was one for a guy who liked to grab control and run with it. But the truth was, he had been feeling out of sorts way before today and he met his neighbor, so to be fair, he wouldn’t lay the blame for his discontent at her door. He’d blame Mary instead for asking him to do the unforgivable and look out for Hannah.
    Stepping into Casey’s and seeing all four McGilley’s already into a game, he decided he’d lay the blame at their

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