Gordon's Dawn

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Book: Read Gordon's Dawn for Free Online
Authors: Hazel Gower
what he wanted.
    Gordon didn’t want to move. Dawn was asleep on him, and her sweet baked vanilla scent surrounded him. Her hair was in its usual messy bun, and she wasn’t wearing anything remotely sexy, but damn if he didn’t spend ninety-nine percent of his time telling his dick to stay down.
    The problem he’d been fighting with himself these last few days was she was only twenty-two, and he’s less than two months away from turning forty. Could he tie her to someone his age? He’d tried to find other women, and they just weren’t cutting it. They had wife potential, but the sprite in his embrace was the only female he’d been able to think of for months now, and he couldn’t—didn’t want to deny it anymore. It had gotten so bad that he even woke up thinking of her. Tracy had thought he was being considerate not sleeping with her, but the thing was, he just couldn’t. He was done fighting.
    Gordon had almost five weeks to give him and Dawn a try before he went back to America and his old job. He didn’t lie when he said he wanted her to come to Vegas. They had become friends, and he hoped if things didn’t work how he wanted that they could still be friends. Dawn was nothing like what he envisioned for a wife. She was young, quiet, and liked terrible music. She looked like a gothic sprite with her small height, jet black hair, white skin, ruby red lips, black nail polish, dark clothes, and tattoos. But, damn, if she didn’t do it for him. Dawn had the most important things he wanted. She loved her family fiercely; she was loyal, caring, and great with children. She also had major bonuses—a great sense of humor, an amazing laugh, and she was the best cook. Ha. Who was he kidding? When he put it all like that, she was more perfect than he thought, and there shouldn’t be doubt they would work.
    What worried him though and had made him hesitant was his real world would eat her alive? They would pick on everything from her clothes, tattoos, education, and family to her weight. She would be a piece of meat thrown to the lions. He would help her and be there for her, but he could only do so much.
    Running his fingers up and down her back, he traced the branches of an almost bare tree tattoo. The only branch had leaves on it and was the one with branches names Destiny and Dilan. Unable to help himself, he leaned down and gently brushed his lips over her back. She loved her sister and nephew. Dawn had so much love. Gordon knew he needed to try it with her, or he would regret it and always wonder. His feelings for the woman in his embrace got stronger day by day. He was stupid to fight it. Gordon knew Dawn felt something for him, too. She would stare at him with dreamy eyes when she thought he couldn’t see or wasn’t looking. She always made sure his favorite foods were made. He grinned as he recalled she talked in her sleep and didn’t just mumble his name, but moaned it.
    Slipping his arms, one under her head, the other her legs, he lifted her up and carried her to her bedroom and gently placed her in her bed. She reached for him, and he smiled. It was time to do something. Pulling off his shorts, he eased into bed, and she gravitated to him lying across his chest. Wrapping his arms around her, she gave a contented sigh, and he knew then he was a goner.

Chapter Three
    She was so hot. Her body felt like it was on fire. Drifting out of the sleep realm, she assessed her body only to freeze when a mouth made its way down her body with gentle kisses.
    Blinking at the blond hair before her, she stared at light ocean blue eyes she knew so well. She relaxed knowing she was dreaming because there was no way Gordon would be in her bed doing this to her. She wiggled smiling when she felt his naked body against her own, which just confirmed she was dreaming because she never went to bed naked.
    “Morning, sprite.” He glided up her body, and his mouth claimed hers. Reaching up, she dug her fingers

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