Ghoul of My Dreams (Larue Donavan Series Book 4)

Read Ghoul of My Dreams (Larue Donavan Series Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Ghoul of My Dreams (Larue Donavan Series Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
but then, they changed back to the big brown eyes I’d always known.
    She pushed the hair out her eyes with her shaky hand. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
    Apparently, she’d snapped out of it.
    “What happened?” she asked.
    I wasn’t sure if I should tell her what really occurred, but I didn’t know how else to explain it.
    “It was like the strongest wind I’d ever felt.” She shook her head as if trying to get rid of the thought.
    Had she not seen the man? Of course she hadn’t. He was a ghost which meant only I’d seen him. Well, Marilyn and me.
    I knew I had to be honest with her. I would want her to do the same with me.
    “I think a ghost ran through you.” I rushed the words so maybe it wouldn’t sound so bad.
    Her eyes widened. “A ghost?”
    I hoped Mindy would still come around me. If she was still my friend after all this, then I knew she’d never stop being my friend.
    “Is the ghost still around?” she asked.
    I shook my head. “No, he’s gone.”
    “Good, I hope that never happens again.” She straightened her shirt and brushed off her pants.
    “Me too,” I said.
    Mindy tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I feel better now. I’ll be fine.”
    I stared at her for a moment.
    “I promise,” she added.
    “So, why did you stop by?” I asked.
    “I came by to check on you. After you told me what happened with the books, I was concerned. Looks like you got it all taken care of though.” She peered around the place. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner to help.”
    I waved my hand. It was no big deal. “I’m used to putting the books up anyway.”
    “Yeah, but not that many all at once.” She picked up one of the books and set it back down again. “Do you think what happened to me is related to the event with the books?”
    I wished I could tell her no, but I couldn’t. I nodded. “I think they are related.” 
    “So, you think it was the same ghost?” Mindy asked.
    I studied my shoes for a moment and then finally met her stare. “Yes, I do.”
    She sighed and then asked, “Where do you think he came from?”
    I glanced at Roger, but he avoided eye contact.
    “I’m not sure, but plan on finding out.”
    Mindy pushed to her feet and grabbed her purse from the counter. “Well, I’d better get out of here.”
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.
    She placed the purse strap over her shoulder. “You know I’m tough.”
    Sometimes being tough wasn’t enough when these bad spirits were involved.
    She walked toward the door. “Call me when you can and let me know what Callahan’s big plans were.”
    Something was making me nervous about her leaving. I guess I was worried the ghost would be out there waiting or her. She waved and then stepped out onto the sidewalk. Mindy paused and looked to the left and then to the right. I knew she was searching for the ghost too. After I second, she turned to the left and disappeared from view.
    “Let’s get out of here,” Roger said.
    I nodded. “Fine. We’ll go to my house.”
    “Cool,” he said as he followed me out the door. “I hope the place isn’t a drag.”
    Marilyn sat in the front with me and Roger was in the middle of the back seat with his body leaning forward.
    “Do you have to be so close?” Marilyn asked.
    He leaned back slightly, but not all the way. I was like the mom trying to make the kids behave on the car ride. I felt like saying, “Don’t make me turn this car around.”
    Gray clouds formed in the distance as if a warning of things yet to come. I could try to outrun them, but I knew they would eventually catch up. After the short drive, we arrived at my house.
    “This is an adorable little place,” Marilyn said as we got out of the car.
    I opened the door and motioned or the ghosts to enter first. “Make yourself at him.”
    What else could I say? They would make themselves at home whether I invited them to or not. My place was a small old farmhouse. The rooms had been redone, so I was

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