Gentleman's Guide 02 - His Contrary Bride)
familiar manner. Besides, there was
comfort in his arms, lying next to him. Heaven knew when or if she
would know this type of comfort again. It also felt right, as if he
belonged there. Those were her last thoughts as she drifted back to
sleep with a faint smile on her lips.


    Marius drifted into consciousness with his
body already humming with desire. For a moment, the fog of his mind
tried to comprehend the woman in his arms. Alarms sounded when he
realized it was Sabrina and he was caressing her breast while
another part of his anatomy responded to her soft backside cuddled
up against him. Thank God they had remained fully clothed. And,
thank God she was still asleep. He could just imagine her reaction
if she were to awaken and find him this way. Slowly and carefully
Marius pulled himself away from her, hoping he didn’t disturb her
sleep, and settled himself on his side of the bed. It took sometime
before he was finally able to drift off.
    He couldn’t have slept long when he woke
again. He came awake much quicker this time. At least he wasn’t
curled around her. Instead, Sabrina was sound asleep with her head
on his shoulder, one hand on his chest and a leg draped over his
thighs. As before, his body had already noted the nearness while he
had slept. Not sure what to do, Marius lay there, contemplating the
situation. If he woke her, she would be mortified to find herself
this way. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her any
discomfort. Besides, what harm could there be? She appeared very
comfortable, sleeping soundly, and it didn’t seem right not disturb
her. Besides, there was a comfort in her sleeping this way.


    As was her habit, Sabrina woke with the
rising sun, quickly coming awake and horrified at herself. When had
she moved to his side of the bed? She was draped all over the man.
Tilting her head slightly, she was relieved he slept and his
breathing was even and deep. Thank goodness. He would surely think
her wanton if he woke and found her this way. Slowly, Sabrina
disengaged herself and got out of bed. Pain shot through her feet
the moment she stood. Limping to the chair, she sat to examine her
feet. Blisters ran along the bottoms of both feet and ankles where
the boots had rubbed. It was nothing too horrendous and they would
heal in time. She just had to be careful while walking and not put
on her boots until the last moment.
    Unable to sit still, she added kindling and
logs to the hot embers. Soon a fire was burning which helped take
the early morning chill from the room. Next, she put the extra
dresses in her satchel before taking out her brush. Mr. Parker came
awake and watched her limp back to the chair.
    “Why are you limping?”
    Startled, Sabina looked over at him just as
she walked into the table, banging her knee. “Ouch.” She muttered
while rubbing her knee as she sat down. “I have a few blisters,
that is all.”
    Mr. Parker rose from the bed and walked
toward her. “As well as your knee. I am sorry. That is twice now
you have been injured because I startled you.”
    “It is my own fault for not paying better
attention.” Sabrina dismissed his concern.
    At least he didn’t argue the point, but sat
on the floor before her. “Let me see your feet.”
    She gasped at his suggestion and pulled her
feet back to hide them under her skirt. “No. It is not
    Mr. Parker grinned at her. “There is no need
to suffer maidenly modesty. We did share a bed last night.”
    Sabrina’s eyes grew wide as her face
colored. Did he know she had slept all over him? She was mortified
at the thought.
    “Sabrina, let me see your feet. I promise to
be a gentleman.”
    Her face burned hot as he brought her foot
out for his inspection. At least he didn’t know how they had slept
and she certainly wasn’t about to share it with him.


    When she mentioned a few blisters that was
what Marius expected, not what he saw. On the bottom of each foot,
beneath each big toe was a large

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