Gambled - A Titan Novella
suddenly so different. Long eyelashes and a tiny, heart-shaped face peered up. Lips that she licked when she was nervous, licked when she was turned on. Lips that she licked right now.
    “Angel.” He inhaled through his nose, trying to slow his roll. Mauling her in an airport probably wasn’t high on her recover-rebuild list. His mind flashed back to her notes. Well, maybe it was. I want us to be more spontaneous. I want the superhero to come home and take me. Nothing to do with being his wife. Everything to do with uncontrollable testosterone.
    He treaded choppy water. One wrong move and it could all end with her jabbing her finger into his chest, reminding him how he’d let them down. “Sarah. You didn’t write down a lot about surviving an abduction. About feeling traumatized.”
    “Nope. I didn’t.”
    Her breasts were perked, the rise and fall of her chest mirroring his. They stood inches apart, and he came closer. Hands on her shoulders, sliding down her arms, anchoring on her waist. She didn’t flinch. No pulling away this time. “I’m going to say or do the wrong thing. Then you’ll peel out, leaving me with a hard-on in an airport. Alone.”
    “I’m barely listening to you now. Don’t worry about it.”
    Her honesty made him sway on his feet. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”
    “Angel. Not what I expected.”
    She nodded. “Think that’s been the problem.”
    A growl rumbled in his chest. “I didn’t know there was a problem .”
    “Fine.” Her tongue wicked over her bottom lip again. “Wrong word.”
    “Tell me the right one.”
    “ More ,” she whispered, smooth as silk.
    Same word, better context. It made him growl, again. He didn’t ask. Wouldn’t hesitate. Not now. It’d been too long since he’d tasted her. Since he’d held her hungry little body against his.
    “What changed, Sarah? You went to sleep pissed. And now…”
    “And now I can’t breathe for wanting you. I woke up, and your eyes were on fire. You haven’t looked at me like that in years. All need. All want.”
    Hands still around her waist, he lifted her like she was nothing, and her fingers knotted into his hair. Her lips brushed against his, smooth and luscious. He bit the bottom one, sucked it into his mouth. Released and bit again.
    Her purr danced over his mouth, followed by an enslaving slash of her tongue. The harder he kissed her, the more she gripped his hair, pulling at his scalp and driving him on. Feasting. Devouring. Ravenous. Their mouths dueled, their tongues chased. She tasted of spearmint, welcoming his intensity. Primal, elemental, she floored him. Overwhelming in a way that made a furious desire drown out their surroundings.
    Her hands jerked him to her . Hell yes, angel . Anything she wanted. Fingernails pricked his scalp, dragging down to the back of his neck. Clawing as he kissed her. I thought we had a spark before. She’s right. I’m wrong. We can get to more.
    Hard, peaked nipples pressed into his chest. He backed to a row of chairs, falling back with her straddling his lap. He couldn’t breathe. Opened his eyes and couldn’t take them off her if he wanted. They burned copper-brown, staring deeply at him. Unblinking. Unwavering.
    Her lips lingered on his. Harsh breaths tangled. Their chests galloped together, his heart slamming. They could stay in this seat, locked like this, together. Not sharing a word, not needing to, and everything would be communicated.
    But still… He’d said it before, he’d say it again and again until he heard it back. “I’ve missed you.”
    Sarah nodded, eyes on fire. “Hotel room?”
    He hadn’t expected anything this fast. “Airport and resorts are on opposite sides of the island.” He cursed the logistics. “Two-hour drive. Dog-leg turns over potholes.” Not sexy or fast.
    “Figure something out.”
    Yes, ma’am. He jumped up and set her down. Lacing her fingers into his, they took off down the corridor, his erection painfully

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