have been about to say something, but whatever it was dissolved on her lips the moment he connected with her.
    Beyond the stew, he tasted…Adonia. There was no other way to describe it. She had her own flavor. Sweet and salty at once. Honey to his lips.
    He tipped his face to one side and sipped from her sweetness, skimming his tongue over the slit between her lips until she parted for him and let him delve into her warmth.
    He needed her like his next breath, but he would take this slow. She was not only a virgin, but unkissed. The experience needed to be perfect even if his cock disagreed. This claiming would set the stage for the rest of their lives, and he intended to make sure she never wanted it to end.
    She moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed the sound as soon as it left her lips. He strained to keep from gripping her wrists too hard, concentrating on stroking the tender flesh on her inner arm with his thumbs as he deepened the kiss.
    He delved into her mouth with his tongue, exploring her until she squirmed, jarring them loose.
    He set his forehead against hers. Her eyes were glazed over, her lips swollen. She sucked oxygen, but each breath fueled his need as he breathed in her exhale.
    He slid his hands up her arms until he held her biceps. “I need you,” he muttered. He wouldn’t pressure her, even now. She had to consent before he took one more step.
    She nodded and tucked her lower lip between her teeth.
    Zephyr squeezed his eyes shut and then reopened them. “Tell me.”
    She stared at him, the blue of her eyes turning darker as the seconds passed. Finally she opened her lips, releasing the offended bottom one with a pop. “Take me.”
    The chair scraped against the hard wood floor as Zephyr stood. The sound echoed in the room much louder to his ears than normal. He didn’t release contact with Adonia as he eased around the table and pulled her to stand in front of him.
    “I promise you will never regret this decision.” He kissed her temple and then trailed smaller kisses across her face toward her ear. When he whispered into the lobe, she shivered. “I swear it on my life.” He wanted her to know she was safe in his hands, at least where her heart was concerned.
    “Just do it. I don’t want to wait any longer. Get it over with. I…ache.” She glanced at him and then away. She smiled. She had no idea.
    “This isn’t a chore, baby. I’m going to make slow languid love to you, and you’re going to enjoy it.”
    She wasn’t convinced it would be all that fantastic. He could tell by the leery look in her slanted eyes, but she nodded.
    He backed her up until her knees hit the edge of the bed, and then he took her lips again. He would kiss her for hours if it made her relax and enjoy herself. She had every right to be dubious, but he had all the time in the world to prove her wrong. Soon she would be begging him to take her.
    Zephyr licked her upper lip and sucked the swollen flesh into his mouth, repeating the action on the lower one. When he captured her tongue and tugged gently, she leaned into him.
    He still held her by the biceps, wishing he had the ability to make her clothes disappear without working for it. On the other hand, he wanted to open this gift piece by piece, enjoying every second of the unveiling.
    Zephyr pulled Adonia against his chest and held her firmly in place, his cock throbbing against his jeans, straining to touch her belly. He slid his hands down her back, letting one rest in the sweet spot above her ass while the other pressed her against his chest at her shoulder blades.
    The bulkiness of her sweater had prevented him from guessing about her breasts. He needed to see her now. He slid his hands down her back and then up under her sweater. Her smooth skin made him gasp into her mouth. She was hot, her temperature running high from hours of arousal.
    “I need to see you. Lift your arms, baby,” he mumbled against her lips.
    She complied. He slid the sweater over her

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