Forever Love

Read Forever Love for Free Online

Book: Read Forever Love for Free Online
Authors: Jade Whitfield
her own, thinks the sun shines out of his ass.
    "Oh Brady you’re here early." My Mom says as that damn cat zigzags through his legs rubbing himself against him.
    Brady and my Mom are the only people that cat doesn’t go all Freddy Krueger on. I'm pretty sure that’s the reason my Mom likes Brady so much.
    "Sylvester my main man. Yeah Mama P, came to meet the new family member and introduce myself." Brady's cat ate the canary expression has my hackles rising.
    "Oh that’s so nice of you." My Mom smiles before giving him a motherly pat on the head and leaving the room.
    I can tell the exact moment he notices Liv as his eyes widen and a smile lights up his whole face. The ass saunters up to her and casually leans in next to her.
    "Well hello there beautiful. I'm Brady and it’s a pleasure to meet your fine self."
    What the fuck, has he got a fucking death wish? She looks up at him, cocking an eyebrow, that settles my anger. This girls got attitude and I'm suddenly eager to watch this show. Brady's ego is planet sized and I have a feeling that Liv doesn’t take shit from nobody.

Chapter 4
    After spending all morning out running around the rinky dink neighborhood, all I want is a cold glass of OJ and a shower. I woke up this morning with my good mood from the previous night gone to hell. I had full intentions of getting the rest of my stuff from the car but that would mean spending more time in my fucking Barbie nightmare. Seriously, there's no way that room is staying that color. It's rare that I go running but it's not like there is fuck all else to do. Usually I don’t wake up that early unless I'm running out on a guy or leaving a party. Yeah I leave parties at seven in the morning, I party hard and most guys can't even drink me under the table.
    Now I'm sitting in the ridiculously big kitchen with some asshole leaning all over my OJ. He's as bad as the other one, obviously thinking he's a Greek God. He's ok I suppose, with his dark blonde hair and chocolate colored eyes. Not as hot as Noah mind you, I doubt many are though. I'd rib him a bit then shoot him down but I'm already in a foul mood on account there isn't a motherfucking Starbucks in this town. I've already eyed that swill Pam calls coffee, I'd probably get more caffeine from fucking water.
    I cock an eyebrow at what'shis face, hoping to relay the message that I'm really not in the mood for bullshit.
    "Listen here-"
    What the fuck? My Dad comes rushing through the door heading for the pot and he gives it the same death glare I'm sure I did earlier.
    "PAM, WHAT'S THIS? THIS ISN'T COFFEE DEAR!" He shouts. "It's not even the right color."
    As my Dad is swaying the coffee pot in the air inspecting it, dickwad has thankfully moved away. He's lucky I didn’t get to finish my sentence because I was about to go thermo-nuclear on his ass.
    "I can't drink this, who wants to go for coffee at Annabelles?"
    "I need to shower and unpack the rest of stuff." I pray to the Gods above that he buys it and leaves me alone. I'm desperate for coffee but I'm not in the mood for company.
    "Ok well I'll give you half an hour. Boys you in?" I don’t even get a chance to refuse and I'm soon hauling my ass up the stairs for a shower. Hell, if I see dumb and dumber on the way out of the shower I'm gonna start throwing punches.
    Annabelle's is a cute coffee shop with a homely feel to it. All the couches are brown leather and the tables are a dark oak wood. The walls are a deep maroon red with dark wood paneling the same as the tables on the bottom half of the wall. Overall it’s a pretty nice place, now just to see if the coffee tastes like piss or not. I so hope it isn't, I'm desperate for a good cup of coffee and can see myself chucking the cup at the server if it tastes like shit. There's a tall brunette a couple years older than me standing behind the counter chewing gum. She's pretty in a plain sorta way and I can tell a mile off that I'm not

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