Five Are Together Again
    However, Tinker proved to be quite, quite wrong! His father went to fetch the old, yellowed piece of parchment at once. „Ha! Here it is!" he said. „It"s pretty valuable too, because it"s so old. It dates back quite a few centuries."
    He undid the rather dirty piece of ribbon round it and unrol ed it. Neither the girls nor Tinker could read the old-fashioned lettering.
    „What does it all say?" asked Anne, with great interest.
    „It says that the field known as “Cromwel "s Corner” is to be held by the Hayling Family for always," said Professor Hayling. „It was given to them by Cromwell because our family allowed them to camp in that field when they sorely needed a rest after battle. It"s been ours ever since."
    „So NOBODY else is allowed to camp in it, or use it for grazing or anything, unless we say so!" said Tinker, triumphantly.
    „Quite right," said his father. „But wait a minute - I seem to remember an odd clause that said something about a travel ing show - a show that had rights to camp in the field since about 1066. Not even Cromwel could alter that - it was in the original deeds, long before Cromwel battled in that district. Now let"s see - that piece would come about the end, I expect."
    The two girls and Tinker waited while the Professor pored over the old and beautiful lettering. He jabbed his finger on to three lines towards the end.
    „Yes. There it is. I"l quote it. Listen! “And let it be known that Ye Travelling Show so-named
    „Tapper"s Travel ing Show", which has always had camping rights, shall stil have the right to claim these once every ten years so long as the show travels the country ways - Given under my hand...” and so on and so on. Well - I don"t expect that Tapper"s Travel ing Show is going now, all these years and years after the document was drawn up and signed in the year 1648. See - here"s the date - if you can read the old figures!"
    The children stared at the date, and then glanced up at Tinker. He looked angry and very red in the face. „You might have told me al that before, Dad," he said.
    „Why?" asked his father, astonished. „What possible interest can it have for you children?"

    „Only that there"s a circus cal ed Tapper"s Travelling Circus in that field this very minute,"
    said Anne. „And the old man with it is cal ed Tapper - and he said it was his right to be there, and..."
    „He was rude to me and I want you to turn out this circus this very day!" said Tinker. „We want to camp there."
    „I"m sure Mr Tapper would have no objection to you camping there," said his father.
    „Aren"t you being rather sil y, Tinker? You weren"t rude to any of the circus folk, were you?"
    Tinker went very red, turned his back and stalked out of the room, Mischief clinging to his neck. He rubbed his chest where the circus boy had punched him. „Just you wait!" he said in a whisper. „I"l punch you one day!"
    „Anne, if you and the others want to camp in the field, I"l go and speak to Mr Tapper,"
    said the Professor, puzzled by Tinker"s behaviour.
    „Oh no - it"s all right," said Anne, hastily. „He has already said that it didn"t matter if we camped there. Oh - there are the boys back again. I"l just go and see if they have brought back all our bicycles safely. Thank you for showing us that marvel ous old document, Professor!"
    And away she went looking rather hot and bothered!

Chapter Six

    Dick and Julian were most interested to hear about Tinker and the Travel ing Circus - and the old, old document.
    „You made a bit of a fool of yourself," said Julian, looking at Tinker. „Stil , there"s no harm done, apparently. I vote we go and see where we can put up our tents. Personally, I shall be thril ed to see a bit of circus life so close to me! I wonder how they"l manage to put on a show. I suppose they"ve everything with them, and can put up a circus ring and a marquee and anything else necessary."
    „There are a lot of big vans,"

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