
Read First for Free Online

Book: Read First for Free Online
Authors: Chanda Stafford
where an old wooden podium sits.
    He turns to face the semicircle of reporters standing around the mouth of the hallway. “Good afternoon. Welcome to the National Museum of American History. We are very pleased all of you could make it to this, the grand opening of our newest exhibit: The History of Firsts and the Release: Our Nation’s Key to Peace. Joining us is our esteemed guest, the first of the Firsts, Socrates, and his companion, George Eliot.” He steps back and bows deeply, gesturing for me to speak to the crowd. Ben and I take the podium. When I stop, he sits promptly at my side.
    I glance back at Ellie to see if she’s going to follow me, but she shakes her head.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming today. Project ReGenesis has been a cornerstone of our country for nearly five hundred years, and because of it, we have enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity unequalled in human history…” Well, unless you’re from Texas. “We have prevented war and famine, kept our country in order, and created stability envied by our allies and enemies alike.” I pause for effect. “There are nearly 13,000 of us around the world, but I was the first person to survive the procedure and unlock its key to success.
    “Our work, however, is far from over. My brother, Leonardo, stands at the cusp of a breakthrough that will allow sustenance farming at the bottom of the ocean. My sister, Marie Curie, has just published her findings on a study reversing radioactive effects on the human body. We still have much to do, but with the help of the Smithsonian, we are pleased to bring some of our past to you.”
    One of the reporters, an older dark-skinned man with white hair buzzed short in the front, but long in the back, wearing a silver and black suit, steps forward. Five hundred years, and some people still insist on wearing mullets. Never a good idea. “Is it true you’ve chosen a Second from Chesaning Farms?”
    “Yes.” So much for keeping the leeches on topic. Ellie moves behind me and takes my arm in support, squeezing it, keeping me grounded.
    “Isn’t that hypocritical?” Damn. I’m going to need all the grounding I can get.
    “How so?”
    He gestures at Eliot. “Your life mate isn’t taking another Second. He has openly shown his disapproval of the entire program. You’re even supporting a bill to free the Texans. Yet here you are, choosing a seventeen-year-old girl as your Second.”
    Ellie’s not taking a Second? I turn to her. She has gone pale, and her mustache twitches.
    “Socrates, I… I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner,” she murmurs quietly, so only I can hear her.
    The reporter’s voice takes on a sarcastic edge. “You didn’t know about George Eliot’s decision? Don’t you find that strange, considering you’ve lived together for two hundred years?”
    Panic reaches out its filthy, slimy hand and chokes me. Life without Ellie? No. I can’t do it. I could never… My hand tightens on Ben’s harness, and he leans into me, offering his support. His long tail thumps against the back of my legs, and I feel myself relax a little. Pretend like you already know, that’s the best bet. The easiest way to get those vultures off your tail. “Of course I knew about it.” I smile widely. “And I fully support Eliot’s decision in this matter. Even though we’ve given our heart and souls to each other, we are still two separate people, and we have our own paths to travel. I merely didn’t realize she’d already made the announcement public knowledge.”
    Another reporter, a short, svelte, chestnut haired artificial beauty on impossibly high heels, steps forward, her surgically enhanced lips parting with excitement. “But you’ve got to feel something, sir. She is your mate, after all. I know if I were in your position, I’d try anything to change my mate’s mind.”
    I twist my lips in a sarcastic semblance of a grin. “You’re not me, though, so the question is moot.

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